"How dare you?" He glared at him and said words with gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry Mr. Jeon that was unintended."

"How dare you touch my wife," he grunted. All the cameramen held their cameras up, knowing they were about to get a story.

"It's just our job to get information, Mr. Jeon. And besides your wife is so beautiful-"

His speech was interrupted by a smashing blow he got from Jungkook's side. The bodyguards soon took charge of the situation that was getting heated. She was petrified, stoned in the place. He went ahead motioning and supporting her to their car.

The last question reached their ears, "How did you guys propose to each other?"

The question received opposite reactions from the couple as they finally were safe inside their car and the driver started the engine.

He smiled remembering the good old days.


"Hey... So... Huh," he paused thousands of times as he glanced through the notecards. She amusingly looked at his cherry-red cheeks and sweaty forehead.

"Did you... Did you drop out of heaven, umm..." He looked up to meet her gentle eyes, blue like forest pools. He stumbled upon the notes in his hands as his grip faltered upon them and they fell helplessly on the ground.

"Shit fuck oh god fuck. I'm so sorry you're you are so pretty. Fuck, sorry," he nervously covered his mouth.

She could not help but smile broadly at his bashfulness. He looked at her smiling from ear to ear. Her beguiling, white teeth lit up the room. It could jolt you like an electric current when that megawatt smile gave you her full attention.

He gulped, blushing furiously and awkwardly picking up the notecards. She too bent down, helping him with it, not caring of her prom gown.

Her cool eyes met his fiery ones, "Hey Kook... Would you like to go out with me?"

His eyes widened and his movements stopped, just looking towards her made his heart jump and stomach flip.

"I think I am asking you to be my boyfriend," she smiled.

He looked down, biting his lower lip and fiddling through the note cards, looking through them desperately. " I um... don't have a note Card... For this."

She took out a pen from his blazer pocket and took a notecard from his hand. She wrote something and handed it back to him. He looked at it and then back to her, "It says... Yes!"


She grimaced remembering the painful old days.


She cried as Jimin embrace her convulsing frame.

"Shh..." He tried to console but his own tears choked his vocals. His teary eyes asked heavens what to do, landing on the pregnancy test kit lying gravely on the bedsheets.

He cupped her face in his palms while she was gasping for breath. "What- what should I..." She exhaled hugely, taking in another short intake, shaking her head, "this- this... this is not real!"

She held onto his wrists, while his hands were still cupping her face, "tell me chim. Tell me this is not real. This can't be real... Tell me this is a dream. I cannot be built for this misery. Please, Chim. Speak. Tell me..." She let out a shuddering breath, breathing heavily.

He gulped looking at her devastated self. She was his best friend since time immemorial. They've been with each other through highs and lows but now, he knew no support that he could provide.

His eyes left her face for once, landing on the doorframe. Jungkook stood there with wide eyes, tears streaming down his face endlessly.

He sniffled, Jimin saw him and shook his head warning him not to make his presence but the latter had other plans.

"Marry me Haru," he proposed.



A/N: Random Question : What do you feel bout the story till now.

Like, do you feel bad for jk?

Or you hate jk?

You like how Haru is putting up?

Or you think there could have been more depth?

This would really help me know if I am able to express what I want to clearly.

Thanks for reading.

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