Chapter 6 - Sudden Visit

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2nd Person's POV

You woke up to Baby 5 calling you, asking if you'll be able to go to her house for dinner. Telling her that you'll be there, she told you to wait at the park at 3.

'Ain't that too early...'

Getting up, you stepped in the shower. You decided to shave, as you preferred the clean and 'hairless' feeling for your privates and armpit. You didn't bother shaving your arms and legs cause being beautiful doesn't mean you need to. Second, it's tiring. You're not even impressing anyone, even if you are, you're just gonna wear something that covers your body hair. You searched for your soap in the foggy atmosphere, scented f/s. Shampooing your hair next, you enjoyed the feeling of cool, soft bubbles.

You decided you wear a green tank top with black inners as you don't feel like going out until the supposed time you're meeting with Baby 5, Law and Corazon. You throw on a pair of shorts that stop at your knees.

You racked your cabinet in the kitchen for food, and found some in the fridge. Your favourite salad, half boiled broccoli dipped in thousand island sauce.

Laying on the small couch with your bowl of broccoli and thousand island sauce, you munch on them, appreciating the taste. You always love how the broccoli trapped the sauce in it's tree-leaves like bush top, giving you the best taste of both the sauce and the broccoli.

You flicked through the channel and found a show that can cease your boredom. It's 1 p.m.. After a few minutes, you phone suddenly rang, and you peeked to see who called.

"Baby 5?" you muttered, picking up your phone. Answering the call, you were greeted with a shriek, which you assumed came from Baby 5.

"Uh.. Hello?"

"Y/n-saaaaaaann!" she shrieked, causing you to pull your phone away from your ears. Grabbing the TV remote, you switched it off to reduce the total of soundwave echoing in your tiny apartment.

"Wha- what is it?" you asked, shocked.

"Y/n-san..." her tune now sounded sad. You sweatdropped, confused.

"Yes, I am. What is it, Baby 5?"

"Can I.. Can I go to your home? Time seems to be ticking so slowwww! I'm bored." you blinked once. Then twice.

"I-I'm sorry, say that again?"

"CAN I GO TO YOUR HOME??" she shrieked again, you had to listen from afar due to the volume she's using, you won't even need loudspeaker function.

"I thought we agreed to-"

"Yes, I know!" she exclaimed. "Buut I wanna go to your house, too." she giggled.

"Uh.. Um.. Sure! It won't hurt I guess." you silently sighed.

"Nice! I'll wait for you at the park! After we went to your house, we'll be going to mine at 3, as promised!"

"Sure... Wait, you're already at the park? Who's with you?"

"Yep! Young Master is with me!" you feel shiver ran down your spine.

"Ok." you hang up.

Hanging your head, you reluctantly take your jacket and changed into trousers. Fetching your glasses and your keys, you made your way down to your motorcycle.

"This.. Is gonna be a long day.." you grunted alone.

You went to the park and look around. You couldn't see them after 5 minutes searching and you decided to walk to a nearby bench to sit down.

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