Chapter 5 - Soon Enough

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2nd Person's POV

A few days has passed since the show at Shanks' ans Mihawk's bar, though you couldn't see Mihawk anywhere. Probably crossing swords underground.

His underground name is Takanome, which translates to eyes of hawk. Shining gold eyes which can distract every person due to its sharpness whenever looking at someone.

The underground knows him for being the swords master, he hasn't lost to anyone yet. Little did you know a teen named Zoro is now training under him, determined to be the next master swordman and being Mihawk himself. He do like that kid's determination nevertheless.

Quite a turn of fate, looks like suffering from success.

Today, you don't feel like doing anything. Tomorrow is Saturday, the day Baby 5 said you're going to her house. No, she said mansion. Or.. She said house, right?

You're not even sure anymore. Remembering something, you decided to do it today. "Maybe I could ask Smoker if I can bail her out earlier..." you thought and dialed Smoker's number.

"Hello, Smoker?"

"Little wind, is anything wrong?" he used that embarrassing nickname of yours, which she also used to call you due to you power.

"I'm wondering if they will let me bail her out earlier, it's this year after all."

"I'll have to ask Sengoku about that, Y/n. You know how these system works."

"Unfairly weird, I know. It's just.. It's been 5 years, you know? I want her to be free again..."

"I understand, Y/n. Just be patient. 3 weeks left. That's all."

"If that's all why can't we move the date?"

"Y/n..." he sighed as you frowned, unsatisfied.

"Alright, alright.. I'll be waiting for your answer.. How's Tashigi?"

"That.. I'll let her answer." you waited as you hear him telling Tashigi who is on the line.

"Y/nnnnn!!! How are you?" she squealed, and you heard her hushing Smoker away. You let out a small giggle.

"I'm alright, Tashigi, just impatient."

"Ah, I see. I have a question."


"Have you found the one?"

"As in?"

"The one that makes your mark colourful!" your mind went to Doflamingo. "Ah, well..." you trailed off.


"Probably." you dragged the -ly on.

"Don't lie to me."

"Fine. Yes. I don't think he know, but I'd like to keep it that way for now."

"GOSH! Who is it?"

"Keeping that a secret for now."

"Aw, come on, Y/n! Don't be a party pooper!"

"Says the one who can't keep her mouth shut once spotting a katana or a sword. I bet you'll leave Smoker for a legendary katana."

"S-Shut up! I won't leave him, I can't!"

"Oh, right, you'll need your mark colourful as your life." you teased.

"It's not like that!"

"Say it."


"I'll tell him."

"You're a devil, Y/n."

"Really? Honoured to know so. Say it."

"I love him, alright! Satisfied?" Tashigi is redder than a tomato at this point, and Smoker is silently observing her, grinning from afar.

"Pretty much." you shrugged, smirking alone.

"I-I may have to go now, Y/n. Duty calls." she grumbled.

"Duty calls? I thought lover boy called~ He's handsome, Tashigi, don't let other girls win him over~" you singsonged, laughing as she hung up.

You decided to lean against the wall on your bed, you sighed, closed your eyes and whispered to yourself as if talking with someone.

"It won't be long."

Flashbacks of when you were a kid flashed through your mind as you closed your eyes.

"You'll be back with him soon."

She took you in and trained you to protect yourself. Inheriting your father's featured where your eyes turn colour to silver when you used you power, people keep calling you a monster out of jealousy.

"He already told me where you'll be going."

Except for her. She chuckled when you first asked if she doesn't think you're a monster. You don't get along well with your biological parents. Especially your mom.

"Just 3 weeks."

And what happened? The night she had been sentenced to 5 years jail. The sentenced has been adjourned until you reached 21 years old. Then again, she never seem to mind taking the blame.

"Then I'll get you out of there."

Everything seems to go in a lighting speed.

You opened your eyes, now aware of the tears trailing down your cheeks. Going into the bathroom, you refreshed yourself.

A short haired woman who can fool people into believing she is a boy, yet looking like a girl at the same time. Androgynous.

"He's back in town."

You wiped your face, trying to recall what Smoker told you. All self-defense equipments are provided to you by him, including your gun license.

"He won't hurt you anymore."

That monster... 3 years older than you, he forced you, a 17 year old girl into racing as a boy in front of the world. Sure, you love racing. But not by force.

"Everything will be under my control."

You exited your bathroom. Then your apartment. The sky is dark, and the city is asleep. You cast your gaze onto the stars.

"The city is currently asleep. I hope you are, too. Peacefully." her words echoed in your mind, remembering how she used to caress your silk soft hair when you were about to sleep. Happy at the thought you'll be able to free her soon, yet sad that you're the cause of all this, you smiled sadly.

"Forgive me, Rayleigh-san."

(word count: 913)

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