Chapter 3 - News and Plans

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2nd Person's POV

Revving your motorcycle again, you left the station with a devastating news. Waving goodbye and thanks to Smoker, you start driving, mask kept in a safe place, eyes returned to their usual colour.

"Hello? Smoker, what's up?"

"Y/n. I have news. Come to the station quickly."

"Is it bad?"

"You just gotta keep vigilant. He's back. This time he's in a gang."

"... Did I hear you right?"

"Yes. Now come to the station so I can tell you everything else."

"Got it."

"He needs to be stopped." you muttered, frowning.

The sun is slowly rising and the city is also waking up while you're just about to crash down.

You stopped at a store and bought some stuff you need.

The staff all have a refreshing look, ready to serve and help. Until they lose motivation, that is.

They gave you a warm smile and let you be searching for the stuff you need. Good thing is that you find the stuff you want easily and paid for it.

You're dying to get home and get over all this with an undisturbed sleep.

Parking and locking your motorcycle, you made your way up to your apartment. You waste no time in changing into your favourite tank top and laid down on your bed, dozing off.

Long sleeved shirts has always been your favourite to wear ever since you were a kid. It made you feel safe and secured from the outside world. Thus the reason you've always wear one when going out.

Shorts and tank tops are only worn at home, where you feel safe. Only waiting for the time to come where you don't feel so anymore.

And you hope it won't come.


After spending half of the day sleeping, you woke up hungry.

'I think I still have the instant soup in the cupboard.'

Brushing your teeth and taking a cold shower to refresh yourself, you walked to the kitchen to boil some water.

Taking out the instant soup packet, you waited for the water to boil to make the soup. Fetching some bread from the cupboard, you sit down, opened your phone to blast some music and eat. It wasn't much, but it'll do for a living.

You opened the news section in your phone and saw the news Smoker told you about.

"You'll be alright. You still have the silencer I gave you, yes?"

"Of course. It just feels different now that... I don't know. It's different. I don't want to see him again. I don't want anyone else getting hurt."

"Take this." he hands you a rope and a small ring.

"Ain't these to disable powers?"

"Yes. One drains energy. One merely disables."

"I see. Thanks. A lot."


It feels as if yesterday you freed yourself from the lifestyle you were forced to live in.

Bored and not knowing what to do, something pops up in your mind.

"Ugh, I just remember I said this week is cleaning week. Start tomorrow. Maybe. Yeah, tomorrow."

Turning the small TV on, you flicked between channels until the motor sport channel caught your eyes.

"Those glasses..." you mumbled, remembering last night. This time, the glasses are fiery red.

"So that was him. The Donquixote manager. He's part of the underground community, too..."

Remembering how Baby 5 is going to invite you to dinner, you assumed this guy must be the 'Young Master'.

"Oh Baby 5, what have you gotten me into?"

"Wait. I'm the one who dragged myself into this..." you facepalmed.

A few minutes have passed, and you decided you're bored. You got uo and went into your room. Dragging out a container, a book laid on the box. You checked your plan and made quick calculations.

You unlocked your phone and surfed a few websites. "This place seems to be suiting her... I wonder what will she say once she got out?" you mumbled, guilt tripping yourself again.

'She doesn't have to cover up for you...' a voice whispered in my head.

"I'm grateful she actually did so I have a life. Now shut up." you gritted your teeth, annoyance lacing the silent voice. The voice of your sanity.

"Okay. That's enough for now. Time to start... Cleaning. Ugh." you got up and checked your pet rabbit.

"What do you think BonBon? Cleaning?" you asked her, placing some more food inside the huge cage.

Spring vaulted to the upper floor of the cage, shaking its long ears as if understanding you.

"No? When do I start then?"

You opened the cage, letting the two bunnies out on your bed. Spring jumped on your lap, getting comfy.

"That leaves it until you get up then." you chuckled, keeping the box where you took it without dropping him. BonBon soon joined Spring, and you lay down on your bed, starting to scroll through your phone.

'Why is he so darn famous?' you thought, seeing yet another news of Doflamingo.

'Darn it. Stop tingling, soul-mark..' you glanced at your left shoulder and see your soul-mark. The originally empty pattern is now coloured.

 The originally empty pattern is now coloured

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(Photo drawn by me)

"Don't tell me..." your face went slightly red as you closed your phone and stopped thinking about him. Glancing at your mark again, it's now back to colourless.

"This just made my life harder." you frowned yet blushed slightly at the thought.

"No. It can't be true. Not now. I need more time." the rabbits twitched when you slightly move.

"Sorry." you pat them and they went back sleeping on your stomach.

"Just act normal, buckethead. Not like you've never act before. We have a worse situation on hand." you mumbled, composing your head, your eyes turned colour for a split second in determination. "I'll set my plan in motion soon. Yes. That'll do."

(word count: 968)

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