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I stood in Patsy's, watching as Fiona walked back in, "What the hell is going on over there," She asked, "It's 4 am and the food's shit," She was talking about a restaurant down the road from Patsy's that was always filled with people this late, "Hell, we're open 24/7 and we're right down the road from the clubs, we should be getting a shit ton of people in here."

"They are the only place that still serves booze," I told her.

"They have a liquor license?" 

I shook my head, "Hell no," I laughed, "They just put it in coffee mugs so the cops can't tell." 

Fiona nodded, "Party, tomorrow night," She then said right after I told her this, "After-hours to announce our new times, we'll invent bullshit drink names for the booze and keep it off the menu, folks got to ask for it."

Sierra perked up, "Oh! A speakeasy!"

"Max, throw together a late-night menu, would you? Make it a little grungy..."

I looked towards the back as Max nodded, "You got it boss..." He then handed her a dish "Here, lunch special, artichoke, spinach, pepper jack on toasted sourdough..."

"Damn," I commented as Fiona took a bite of it, "Bougie grilled cheese."

"Eight bucks?" Max asked her.

Fiona shook her head, "Ten, throw in some gourmet pickles."

"You got it." 

After my shift ended, I got home around when everyone else was just waking, up, "Hey," Lip said as he walked into the kitchen, his face fucked up, "Morning."

I raised a brow, "What the fuck happened to your face?" 

Debbie looked up from her food, "Boating accident." Lip commented. 

Fiona then walked in shortly after this, she nodded towards the table, "First of the month, pony up," She tossed cash into the middle of the table. Watching as Lip and I quickly put our contribution into the pile. Debbie hesitated, watching as we counted out money, "Thank you," Fiona said as she looked back over at Debbie.

"What about Ian?" Debbie quickly tried to change the blame, acting as if Ian wasn't paying.

"Paid in advance," Fiona told her. 

"Uh..." Debbie cleared her throat, "This is all I could scrounge up..." She put a few crumbled bills on the table and Fiona was quick to pick them up, counting them.

She seemed pleased as first as she nodded, "Great," But then she tilted her head, "I'll expect the other $372.22 shortly."

I watched as Debbie's demeanor changed, she scoffed, "I am a full-time mom with no help, Fiona!" Of course she argued. 

Fiona wasn't phased, she tugged a piece of paper out of her purse and put it on the table, "Donut Prince is hiring, passed it on the way home. Snagged you an application." 

"What am I supposed to do with Harry?" 

"Not my problem." 

Before anyone else said anything, V came walking in, "I swear that Russian is up to no good," She said. 

I looked over at her, "What'd she do now?" Fiona asked.

V shook her head, "Not Svetlana, her father."

Fiona then turned back to look at Debbie, "You got two weeks, can't get together your share by then, I'm renting out your room."

Debbie quickly stood up, "Where am I supposed to go!"

"Homeless shelter down the street? I know the guy who runs it." 

Debbie let out a gasp and snagged up Harry before she walked upstairs in a hurry, "Bit harsh, don't you think, Fi?" I asked her as I looked over at her, she seemed weirdly calm.

"I got to hit the sack, I'm dying, if you guys need food, clothes, bail, whatever, call Lip, I'm on hiatus, love you!" Fiona then went up the stairs and hid away in her room. 

"Nice to see you too!" V called after her, still standing in the kitchen.

"This is so unfair!" I heard Debbie say as she walked back down the stairs, "Lip?" She seemed to be begging him to watch Harry for her. 

Lip was quick to shake his head, "I got to take Liam to daycare and then I got to go to my internship..." Debbie stared at him, "Alright? I'll have my phone, call if there's a crisis." 

Lip quickly kissed my cheek before he scurried out of the house with Liam, Debbie then looked at me, "Mabel," She sighed, "Can you watch her?"

I hesitated at first, "I just got off working all night, I need to sleep," I said to her.

"Can..." She then looked at Carl who was sat there in silence, "Can I borrow the money from you, just to catch up this month?" 

"That desperate," Carl seemed to laugh at her, knowing that he was paid for and had nothing to worry about it. 

"Debs, I just paid my portion, I barely have shit left," I felt bad throwing her to the dogs, but Fiona would kill me if I helped her, she was trying to teach her a lesson after all, "I need to keep myself afloat before I worry about anyone else."

"You would give it to Ian!" She argued.

I scoffed, "Ian has a job, I know he can pay me back, so, yeah, if I did have that cash on me, I would help him. You on the other hand, you don't have a job or any form of income, so, no I wouldn't give it to you."

"So, they're more important than me!"

"What the hell are you even saying?"

"The truth!"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going to bed, I hope you get that job."


(Short little update sorry!)

𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 - 𝑳𝒊𝒑 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒉𝒆𝒓 UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now