The flying eagle disappeared not long after that.

The monster swung its weapon again to deflect another barrage of firing shields from the second solider.

It sprinted towards him. It was shockingly fast for it's large size. The second solider barely had time to react. He jumped back to avoid and summoned a wall of iron shields around him.

His wall of floating iron shields might as well have been made out of paper as they did nothing to stop the monster's attack. Ulbrok's weapon was mercilessly. With one destructive swing, it destroyed all the nearby buildings and ripped the solider's lower body off his torso.

The two parts of the solider's body fell to the ground, his lower disembodied half swiftly turned into straw.

I knelt there. Frozen as if a dagger had pierced my chest.

Ulbrok continued destroying and eating the town as if nothing had happened. Everywhere this monster walked, screams of fear and pain followed.

The monster continued spoiling itself with the bloodshed of this town before it randomly halted its rampage... The monster looked up and saw an enormous, iron shield floating directly above it's head.

Despite missing half his body, the second solider was somehow still alive.

With a shaking arm, the solider clenched his fist with all the might he could muster, "Descending Shield!"

The giant shield rapidly descended on the monster, smashing its head and bringing the monster to its knees.

For a short moment, there was hope that ignited in my heart... and that hope was immediately shattered when the giant shield turned to straw.

Now angered, the ogre looked towards the second solider laying on the ground and leaped towards him. The solider closed his eyes as his dying body was smashed by the ogre's foot.

The ground shook when the second solider died. I fell backwards as my legs became numb.

There were other soldiers there but from the look on their faces, the two soldiers who were just killed were probably the strongest amoung them. They begun to flee in fear.

I didn't move. I couldn't. After seeing such gruesome sights, my body acted as if it was already dead. I was doomed and it was all my fault. All because I wanted to be like the original Aria. I was foolish and now that foolishness was going to be the end of me.

More screams followed the monster's banquet. I could not even defeat E-rank rats so charging in to save those people would only add one more body to the pile.

Forget flying away, the two tiny wings on my lower back couldn't even move. They might as well be there for decoration.

The sound of another person's scream made my body shiver.

I could no longer bare the gruesome sight so I looked up at the sky. The sky I so desperately wanted to reach, just like the real Aria. So desperate that I committed all my life to it.

I kneeled there, crying as I waited until it was my turn. The sound of crumbling buildings grew closer and closer to me.

I could smell the monster's breath now. There was no scent of blood which somehow made it even more horrifying.

I couldn't see the sky anymore. I now only saw Ulbrok. reaching for me with it's large hand. I didn't scream for help. I just cried. My heart seemed long dead already. I could only stare, unblinking.

My death was inevitable. At least, it should've been.

Just when the tip of its finger was about to touch my head, the strangest thing happened.

I'm Not An Angel, I'm A KnightWhere stories live. Discover now