"That he's not down for the whole hero/villain dynamic" I sigh, resting my cheek on my fist.

"Did the lad say that or did ya tell him that?" Martac questions, knowing that I'm the queen of self sabotage.

"We both said it" I explain, half heartedly glaring at him. "I just... don't know if it's right. It felt... a bad kind of different to watch him walk away."

"That's called regret." Martac states sarcastically "I know yer not familiar with the feeling, but that's probably what it is."

I don't have anything to say and hold my water bottle to my lips to buy time. Maybe I should have just stayed home.

"I didn't mean to interrupt your morning. Since we don't have work today, I'll just go" I stand, feeling more frustrated and less sure about my choice to send Tenya away. It's a shame that we had such a good night and now I'm just a mess of confusion.

"Lunch?" Martac asks. It's a tradition that on week days when we don't work, we have lunch together.

"You'll be busy" I eye both of them and wink before calling over my shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow" they don't answer me and I can already hear the couch creaking under the weight of the two men mauling each other as the door closes behind me.

With a deep sigh, I start walking aimlessly in the general direction of my apartment. I don't really want to go home but I'm still in my pajamas and have no real want to be in a populated area.

"Y/n!" A woman calls from behind me, the click of her heels echoing off the buildings around us.

I turn in time to see Ella rushing toward me. "Oh hey" I say with a small wave.

"What are you doing out here? And what are you wearing?" She asks, catching up to me and matching my lazy pace.

"Just going for a walk" she doesn't really know what I do and she's never met Martac.

"In your pajamas?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

"You know me. Comfort over social acceptability always" I force a laugh and she giggles with me.

"I've been meaning to ask, why did you have me go wake up that hero? Why didn't you do it yourself?"

"I was in a rush and didn't want him to get in trouble with his boss if he happened to be slacking off on the job" I think fast and lie.

"I would expect nothing less from an upstanding woman like you, y/n" she links her arm through mine. I stopped feeling bad about lying to Ella a long time ago. After so many lies added up, there came a point where one more didn't matter. Sometimes I think she knows I'm lying to her, but she just doesn't care. "Also, I've been texting him. He's so formal."

My stomach drops "oh really?"

"Yeah. I've been throwing my best flirty lines at him and I've been getting nothing back." She whines. I feel a little better knowing that. "I was talking to my friend and he said that the Ida's are known for being so formal and polite that he may not realize I'm flirting."

I want to contradict her and say that it wasn't exactly polite or formal as I rode him last night, but I keep my mouth firmly shut.

"Anyway, I texted him last night to see if he wanted to get dinner sometime" she continues and my stomach drops again "but he hasn't gotten back to me. Must be busy" she shrugs.

Yeah. Busy having dinner and fucking me. I think and immediately wipe the small smirk off my face before Ella can see it.

"That's unfortunate" I say, lying again.

She sighs deeply "maybe I'll back off for a couple days to plan a new atta-" her phone pings and she looks at it. "Or not" the smile that splits across her face makes me feel uneasy. "It's him. We're having dinner tonight"

"Oh. Congrats" I answer without meaning it. More than anything, I want the date to go terribly and then they never talk to each other again. It's selfish but I don't care.

It dawns on me that I don't even have his number to call him if I wanted to take back what I said. Guess that was pretty dumb. Maybe it's a good thing. It forces me to keep my promise.

"Hey. I have an odd request." I say, stopping suddenly a couple blocks from my building. she turns to face me "as weird as this sounds. Don't tell him my name."

"What? Why?"

"Please just do this for me" a good reason doesn't come to mind.

"...alright weirdo" she eyes me "I should get back to work"

"Yeah me too" I turn away and start to walk toward my place.

"Lunch tomorrow? It's been awhile since we've sat down to a meal and I have the day off" she offers.

"Yeah that sounds good. The usual spot?" I hope she says yes, it's been awhile since I've been to our favorite cafe that has the most delicious pastries and also a selection of sandwiches that would be suitable for lunch.

"Sounds great! We can gossip about how the date goes" without giving me a chance to react, she turns on her heal and waves over her shoulder, headed back to work.

I'm a dumbass that didn't realize that of course we would have girl talk about her date the day after. Fuck.

If they sleep together, I don't think I'll be able to sit there and listen to it. Tenya doesn't strike me as a person to sleep with someone on a first date, but he did with me, so maybe I'm losing my edge to read people. I did get double crossed just yesterday so yeah, I'm definitely losing my sense.

Back in my apartment, I start to get angrier thinking what bastard could fuck me one night and then go out with another girl the next. What kind of hero can do that?

The rest of my day is filled with self sabotage and ordering a shit ton of food to over indulge until I'm too full to function and have to take a nap.

When dinner rolls around, I'm not hungry, but I still put on 'acceptable' clothing to go to my favorite take out restaurant. While I'm waiting for my food, I see Tenya and Ella walk by the window. Neither of them see me but they're both smiling and Ella laughs at something Tenya said. I leave the restaurant without getting my food and I fast walk back to my place without being seen.

I haven't cried in years but if I let myself, I probably could right now.

I lay curled on my side in bed after putting my pajamas back on and just hug a pillow, very aware that it smells vaguely like Tenya.

Enough of this wallowing. This isn't the kind of person I am.

I get up with a huff and strip my sheets and pillows and angrily shove the fabric into my washer/dryer combo.

Enough of that. I made a choice. Just because it's not working out like I want it to, doesn't mean I'm going to waste any more of my emotions on it. That's healthy. Right?

Whatever. On to the next. I'll go to lunch with a friend, talk about her date like a good friend would and not think about how his wrists felt gripped in my hands as I straddled him. Should be easy. Probably.

I read a book in my chair while I wait for my laundry to finish so I can remake the bed and go to sleep. Very little was accomplished today but that's alright.

My arm throbs and I redress my wound. A little blood is still slowly seeping out, but it's probably fine. It's not the worst wound I've gotten on the job, but it has been bleeding for longer than I would expect it to. Maybe there was something on the knife. I'll just keep an eye on it.

After the bed is remade and I shave my legs so I can do the cricket thing with them in clean sheets, I finish my book and turn off my light, trying desperately to not think about Ella naked on top of Tenya.

Tomorrow might be the worst with Ella, but I did this to myself.

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