"Don't worry she didn't say anything bad-"

"Then why?" Josuke's eyes was trained on her palm, not meeting hers at all.

"Because, she mentioned she knew my parents and that she had photos." y/n sighed and gently pulled her hand away from Josuke's grasp. "Photos of them. My parents."

"I don't know whether i want to see them again  and be reminded that I used to have a functioning family, or hell, a family in general." she held her injured hand to her chest, cradling it. "It's been 5 months since my mother died and I'm....just so unsure."

"Unsure about what?" Josuke looked up at her and stepped forward. "Y/n, you have Aunt Matsumoto, Okuyasu, Koichi..Jotaro even? You have people who care for you and-"

"It isn't about me feeling alone but i just..." y/n stepped back and away from him. "I need time to accept the fact that I won't ever have my mom back again, I don't even want to remember the things I forgot, maybe they were better left forgotten anyways."

"So you need time," Josuke concluded just as y/n realised what she might have implied. "So you need time from everything?"

"Yes but no, Josuke I didn't mean I want to put our relationship on hold i'm just saying i think i'm gonna be a bit unstable for now and i-" y/n bit her lip, stopping herself.

Josuke raised a brow as if to ask her to continue.

"-I just need time alone by myself for awhile." she shrugged. "You know, to think about this whole family thing."

Josuke nodded and sighed. "Aah geez I thought you were going to break up with me, but—" a soft smile slid up his face. "—i understand. Take as long as you like y/n."
he stepped forward and leant down a little to kiss y/n's forehead.

"Good night y/n, see you tomorrow." as he turned to go, y/n instinctively grabbed his arm and Josuke turned around curious.

Y/n could feel her words clogging up her throat as she tried to think of what to say.
Why exactly did she grab his arm?

"S-see you tomorrow..uh.." she avoided his eyes and quickly hugged him. He laughed, y/n blushing as his chest vibrated with his laughter. Josuke buried his nose into her hair and hugged her back, his strong arms wrapping around her frame.

"See you sunshine," he mumbled into her hair.


Y/n woke up groggy and annoyed at the sun shining into the room ever so brightly.
What time was it? She reached over to grab her flip phone on the bedside and frowned when her eyes couldn't focus properly.


She stumbled out of her room and into the bathroom to wash up.
As she brushed her teeth, she suddenly remembered an essay that was due today.
And because of the stupid rat hunting yesterday, she didn't do it.
Y/n hurriedly ran to her room to find the essay but it was with no avail.
Her room was too messy.

"AUNTIE KUMI," she thundered through the hallway, tripping over her own leg and bowling into the kitchen. "Have you seen my essay I left on the desk, I can't find it anywhere and it's due today!"

"Aw good morning, how was your sleep last night?"

"I asked where was my essay-"

"GOOD MORNING Y/N L/N." aunt kumi boomed, rolling her eyes before continuing to make breakfast.

"Why can't you be as tame as when I was at the hospital?"

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