23 - Phil Catches Techno

Start from the beginning

Techno came downstairs.

"Morning Phil, that smells good." Techno glared at y/n as if to say 'don't even open your fucking mouth.'

"Morning Techno."

He sat down at the table across from y/n.

"I'll be back in a minute Phil I'm away to brush my teeth."

"Ok mate."

Y/n ran up the stairs and into the bathroom.

They locked the door incase anyone followed them. They brushed their teeth and just stood for a minute.

They couldn't even look at Techno. Surely Phil would notice eventually. They put their hand to the back of their head and flinched. Ouch that shit hurt. There was a lump but it wasn't a big one. It still hurt though.

They went back downstairs. The whole of breakfast they couldn't look at Techno. They finished quickly and ran upstairs and got a towel and clothes and shit so they could shower.
They locked their bedroom door from the outside just incase Techno tried to go in and wreck any of their stuff.

They went in the bathroom and locked the door their as well. They showered as quickly as they could and went back and unlocked their door. They let out a sigh of relief when no one was there.

They just sat around for a few hours. They played their xbox with the group for a while. They were on edge the whole time and kept their door open at all times so they could see everything.

They eventually got bored on their xbox so decided to go out in the garden with Tommy and Tubbo. They again locked their bedroom door from the outside so Techno couldn't get in.

They went out and Tommy and Tubbo were playing football.

"Hey guys ok if I join?"


Y/n joined them for a while until they got bored of football and then they went on the swings and climbed the trees.

Y/n decided to go back in. They had a good time outside but nothing happened.

They went up to their room and opened the door. Techno was sitting on their bed waiting...

"Well well well."

"Piss off Techno."

"Why have you been avoiding me? Thinking I was going to do something else to you?"

"Yes actually. You smashed my head against the fucking wall yesterday. What am I meant to expect?"

"Watch it y/n. You don't know the capability I have."

"Oh yeah like fucking what? Getting a C on a test?"

Techno stood up and faced y/n. Y/n stood as tall as they could and clenched their fists.

Techno charged towards them and pinned them against their wardrobe. He had his arm across their chest to keep them pinned. With his other hand he made a fist raised it like he was about to punch y/n.

"PHILLLL, PHILL HELP." Y/n screamed. They had no idea if Phil heard or no. They didn't even know if Phil was in the house.

Techno put his finger up to y/ns lips.

"Shhhh. He's not going to hear you anyway. He's outside with Tommy and Tubbo."


Y/n felt a sharp blow to their face. Techno had punched them.

"Now will you shut the fuck up? You're giving me a headache." Techno said to y/n. Fuck Techno.

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