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𝖲𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗒

I watched Mailynn get her purse off the couch and immediately I went out the door seeing Kyron car parked in my garage.

"Get the fuck out the car bro." I said attempting to open the door but it was locked.

"Move from my whip nigga." Kyron said rolling the window down only slightly.

"I swear on my child I will buss these fuckin windows out yo car." I pounding on his window.

Kyron simple laughed and I nodded taking my foot slamming it against his car.

I repeated that shit over and over seeing dents before I started pounding on his window seeing cracks forming.

"Yo chill out!" Kyron yelled.

This nigga drove a custom red Mercedes Benz G-Wagon S-class so it's safe to say I was doing damage on his car.

I heard my front door open and close before I saw Mailynn in my peripheral view and she looked shocked.

"You acting crazy over a teenager bro calm the fuck down." Kyron spoke finally getting out the car.

"Stop!" Mailynn said holding me back before I could touch him.

"You think this shit funny why you laughin nigga?" I asked seeing Kyron smile.

"Cuz this wasn't no date I was taking Mai to the movies we was just gonna chill with Juju and Keelee I told her to say it was a date look at yo mad ass." Kyron said dying of laughter.

"Ion find shit funny that's why yo car fucked up." I said removing Mailynn hands off me before going back into the house.

I walked to the other section of the house to cool down trying to figure out how I was gonna rationalize what just happened.

"You okay?" I heard Mailynn voice after five minutes of breathing.

"Nah...I have feelings for you." I said honestly kind of chuckling at the thought of me falling for a 16 year old.

"Only reason I think this happened is cuz you was there ion for me that's sum I'm not use to and I confused friendship with relationship thoughts I don't think I could even continue this friendship because I can't see you as a friend anymore." I said honestly.

"So what does that mean?" Mailynn asked I shrugged.

"Ion know what it means for you but I called Willow I'm going back to her and I need you out the house by next month." I said coldly.

Her face looked hurt and betrayed.

"Nah I'll leave today ion wanna bother you no more." She spoke sounding like she was holding back tears.

"Princess it's not even like that..." I said grabbing her arm before she could leave to pack her things.

"It's exactly like that Berlin I'm young so you not going for me right but I've treated you way better than any female you've ever been with that's cool tho you just like everybody else doubting me and judging me it's cool tho you gonna see me doin grate this and you'll regret the shit you did today." She said snatching her arm from me.

I rubbed my hands over my face.

"I'm sooo stupid." I mumbled underneath my breath.

She was a kind girl at heart she only ever showed me genuinely love she wasn't toxic she didn't do things to heart me and even now that I'm hurting her and making her leave she still being respectful to me.

I watched her struggle with her bags and I tried to help but it was clear she was refraining from yelling at me with tears barely holding back.

"I wish you the best in life Berlin and I want you to know the feelings were mutual I hope you find someone that meets your requirements in life tell Rome I said goodbye too." She said rolling her bags somewhere down the street I could only assume she was going back to her parents house.


Stupid ass nigga!

I sobbed on my way home already text Kamarilynn to have the door open for me and have Jordan out of my room.

I walked for about 10 minutes before I opened the front door seeing my parents who looked sadly at me.

"We know what happened come here hunny." My mother said holding her arms out.

Seeing as I was truly hurt I hugged her and enjoyed this family moment that I craved for years to come.

"It's okay we're moving to New York you'll never have to worry about him anymore darling we promise." My father spoke.

I nodded my head I was done with Atlanta life here was sad and depressing and I needed a fresh start me and Berlin weren't even together but this felt like heartbreak on the next level maybe it was the vibes we shared or the connection we made that made this hurt so much.

In New York I was gonna make something of myself everyone was gonna know me and I was gonna get over this stupid heartbreak.

Short lil chapter for today more otw Monday I'll be in the hospital y'all probably won't see me that whole week.

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