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The first week of school flew by quickly and I was thankful because Theo my ex transferred to my school and somehow had every single class I had.

I was lucky it was the weekend because I called the school to have all my classes changed. I wasn't the type to confront conflict head on I often ran from them and in cases like these running works.

"Mailynn mom and dad want to have a talk with us." Jordan called coming into my room picking up my lip gloss twirling it around.

"Okay and what does that have to do with me?" I asked snatching my lip gloss from her hands.

"Girl stop acting like such a baby you part of the family aren't you?" Jordan asked sucking her teeth.

"Get out Jordan." I said pointing towards my door.

"Whatever I'm telling dad." She said sounding so stuck up and white washed.

I rolled my eyes putting on my pajama pants Ugg slides and a regular white tank top before going downstairs.

"So a family moved across the street..oh I'm glad you could join us sweetie." My mother sarcastically spoke I rolled my eyes sitting in the arm chair.

"Like your mom was saying some new people moved across the street and they are ghetto. We don't want you around them looking at them or interacting with them at all understand?" Our father spoke.

"I already know about them the guy goes to our school the girl his baby momma and that's so sad because why are you so desperate for sex that you opening your legs for a bum." Kamarilynn spoke I shook my head they were so judgmental.

But in all honesty I was too a guy with a child was a huge no for me especially if he was young.

"He doesn't go to your school or anything I'm just saying I don't want interaction with that family we clear?" Mom asked.

I nodded my head going to the living room about to watch 16 wishes.

"I'm actually having a guy come over you think you can go to your room?" Jordan asked looking at me.

"Jordan just use your room." I said already knowing she was a fat ass hoe.

"I'm not a slut and id feel comfortable with us in the living room." She said making me sigh.

"You know what Bruh here I'm going out." I said throwing the remote at her head actually hitting her in the process.

I didn't realize the situation until I felt hands slamming my down by my hair and blows being thrown.

"STOP!" Kamarilynn yelled.

She hated violence sure she did a lot but one thing she never did was resort to violence especially between me and Jordan.

"Mom dad tell them to stop!" Kamarilynn yelled as I finally regained control and got my hits in. Of course when I start beating ass I get pulled off.

"Your grounded bring me you phone and all other electronics." My dad spoke snatching my phone.

"Go help your sister fix her face." My mom said towards Kamarilynn.

"I'm going for a walk." I spoke heading towards the door.

"Didn't we say your grounded?" My parents asked.

"Did you say Jordan was grounded too because the remote hit her by accident and she tried to fight me physically with force but she's upstairs getting treated with makeup and bandaids." I said opening the door before walking out.

Knowing my family they locked the door and I wouldn't be allowed to come back to the house unless I begged or they gave in.

These days they usually give in.

I walked around the neighborhood a few times beofre going to the playground the second I got there I noticed a toddler crawling around.

I was shook because why was a kid at the playground by himself?

The kid could walk-ish crawl at the most it probably didn't even know it's name it's had to be one or two at most.

"Hey buddy." I sat next to him watching him play with a teething ring. Your like a full blown baby huh.

I smiled looking at the tiny fingers but more importantly the expensive clothes the kid wore.

"Your mommy must be looking for you." I said sitting by the baby waiting out for his parents.

I saw a tall guy with tattoo scramble into the park. He looked desperate and nervous. I watched him look all around before his eyes spotted the child.

"Rome!" The guy said shocked.

He walked over towards me smiling.

"That's my Son thanks so much for not snatching him up." The guy said picking up the little boy.

"Yea well I'm sixteen what can I do with a child." I said laughing nervously.

"Right! I was younger when I had Rome...I know this is weird but I definitely didn't loose him his mom did she's not all there if you understand she forgot she brought him to the park over three hours ago and I been searching since half the day." He explained holding his now sleeping son in his arms.

"It is not my business at all and if I were you on this street I'd keep my business hidden they gossip everyone's a critic." I stated smiling before getting ready to leave.

"Oh well I'm new in the neighborhood my names Berlin yours?" He asked curiously.

"Oh my name is Mailynn." I said waving before walking off.

I called Kalyce to come pick me up and take me to her house because who I look like playing bad guy when I was the one who got physically hit.

"Can you pick me up and can you ask you mom if I can stay over till my parents act right?" I asked Kalyce who sounded a bit tired on the phone.

"Yeah girl I got you." Kalyce said giving air kisses through the screen once I saw a start drifting back into sleep I need the call and waited at our usual pick up spot.

It left me in my thoughts and like always I began thinking of the world what extacly are people critics does it bring joy in tearing someone else down I'd love to why everyone's a critic.

2 thanks so far my two stinky pies!!!

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