Chapter- 10

15 4 1

Hoseok's home

"How dare he?" Hoseok threw the beer can on the floor.

Yoongi- why can't he?

Hoseok- he acts like he is someone great but he is just as same as me.

Namjoon- and she chose him

Hoseok- why?

Namjoon- wait.... i know the reason

Hoseok- if it's one of your bullshits i'm gonna punch you.

Namjoon- what if it is because he is taller than you?

Hoseok- what?

Namjoon- if she has interest for tall guys please tell me I would like to try my luck

Hoseok- (rolling his sleeves) I'm gonna kill you Joon

Namjoon- calm down, I was joking. But maybe she prefers someone same age as her

Hoseok- it doesn't seem like that

Namjoon- does she know he is a play boy?

Hoseok- he told me that he had already told her and her brother about his past.

Namjoon- then it means she is not bothered about it

Hoseok- then why him? I started courting her first. What does make him better than me?

Yoongi- he is not same as you. He respects her.

Hoseok- everyone is telling me the same, what the fuck is this respect?

Yoongi- did you ever gave her a choice? Did you ever tried to understand her? Do you know anything about her? You only assumed with your head even thought her brother as her boyfriend.

Hoseok- it was a mistake. I never knew she had a brother.

Yoongi- (sigh) okay just leave it, try complimenting her other than her body now to us.

Hoseok- compliment?

Yoongi- yeah, try it.

Hoseok- well..... she is very good in her profession no, the best. She.... she is very professional and....and she have a cute smile.

Namjoon- (shocked) the last one came from your mouth?

Hoseok- why?

Namjoon-(smiling) nothing

Yoongi- have you ever told her in person this?

Hoseok- no.... why?

Yoongi- this is the reason, you never appreciated her as a police and spend time in appreciating her ass.

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