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Morning 4:00 AM

What happened?

There has been a murder in room number 405.

Oh... god....Any information about the victim?

The victim was just nineteen. She was dropped off by her brother here before he left for work, and when he returned he found her dead. It was him who notified the police.

When did he came back from work?

Around 3:15 AM in morning.

Did neighbors not hear anything?

Closest neighbors are on trip, others were asleep. They didn't hear any noises.

Where is the room?

We are almost there, ma'am.

Previous day of murder

22 hours ago

Emma woke up to the continuous sound of her alarm, which she turned off and sat on her bed. She untied her hair, adjusting it and again tied it into a bun. Lazily getting from her bed she went to fresh up.

Today surprisingly I got enough sleep. These days there aren't any big incident has been occurred. So, yesterday that pervert somehow let me go home early Thus, I use my time for sleep and recharging.

She made some coffee and went onto balcony for some peace. She loves to watch sun rise every day.

As a person living alone, I have to do all these works. 

My brother is compelling me to go back to my parents which will never gonna happen. I can't forget what they did and I know they won't change. They and their beliefs, I can't stand that. I prefer alone and only thing is that I miss my brother. If that idiot didn't come here this weekend, I'll stop talking to him.

Opening her phone, she glanced at her wallpaper. It was a picture of her best friend and her brother when they were kids. She sighed and put it away.

Now I have to get ready and go to my station. There my bestie will be waiting for me.

She thought as she went inside from balcony. She cleaned her cup and put it back on stand.

Emma was getting ready. She lived in a one room apartment. A bedroom, kitchen, and a living room. It was enough for her to live. On the wall in living room there are photos of she and her brother, certificate of best student in training camp and other medal she got from boxing competitions are arranged beautifully. On the shelf in her bedroom there are the large collection of the books she read. This is her small world. The world she herself created with saving her fortune. Throughout her life, she never relied on anyone.

Did I forget something? I think no. where is the door key?

Emma took the door key and made sure door is locked properly. Then she went to office. Police station is only ten minutes away from her apartment. She has to walk as her car is in workshop and it only takes half hour for her to reach there. She put on her favorite music in her ear and starts walking. 

Why I have to go so early? If I don't, I will have to see my boss in the morning, which is not ideal. I could at least breath for some time. I hate this....

As she reaches her station she meets her bestie waiting for her. Jungkook was as same age as her. He is her subordinate and team mate. He was very introverted and shy that he didn't talk to anyone on his first day. He was assigned as Emma's subordinate that they became friends. Everyone calls him JK and he and Emma is the best team of investigators in that area. He has a habit of flirting with Emma which she rejects effortlessly. JK smiled at her as she put her bag on her desk.

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