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Two days later

JK had found Hyunjin's tower location, call history and chat records. They even got clips of him climbing upstairs and coming down after two hours. It had proved he was there in rooftop all those time. So, he was found not guilty and Emma was sure that he will be getting bailed out next day. Before that Lily's parents were there to deal with Hyunjin's father's matter.

Jimin visited station to provide some details asked by Hoseok. He wasn't talking much but seems better than before. He provided more details on his colleagues. Before he goes Emma said she wants to talk to him. She took him to a cafe nearby and brought two coffees. She sat near him.

Emma- how you feel now?

Jimin- I don't know. but better now, but I miss her

Emma- I don't know what to say to you Jimin.

Jimin- it's okay. I really have to thank you for being with us for my June.

Emma- I'm not someone who back off from anything, the one who killed her will be punished

Jimin- she was so happy to meet you Emma; she hasn't stopped talking till we reached home. She is really font of police women

Emma- Sehun told me that day about her dream and I told him to bring her to station.

Jimin- she only fought with me for two reasons. One was that she wants to become a police which I felt was too dangerous for her and another was Hyunjin.

Emma- I have to tell you something very serious

Jimin looked at her.

Emma- I know how much you are concerned and understand the outburst last day. But remember something he wasn't proved to be a culprit and he was a suspect. I'm telling you we doubt he is not the one. There are proof too. he getting bail today. You should not .......

Jimin- I understand what you meant

Emma- we will find the real culprit. Even if it is Hyunjin there will be evidence hidden. We will find it, okay?

Jimin nodded and bit his lips. Emma stood up and gave a hug to him. His eyes were tearing up. He hugged her tight and started crying. He became okay after few seconds and thanked Emma. They both drink their coffee silently for sometime. After few minutes Emma said good bye to him and went back to her office.

Other side of cafe.

"What are they two talking in secret? Wait what? why are they hugging?" Hoseok clenched his fist.

He was there with Namjoon and Yoongi to talk about case when he saw Emma and Jimin walking in. He was watching them from then. He couldn't hear what they were saying which made him angrier.

Yoongi- so what? you are not her boyfriend or something.

Hoseok- no I won't allow it

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