A few minutes later (Y/N) and Katara were clashing water and fire together. They kept trying different proportions of each element for them to get some steam, but there would be some fire or water left over. Katara kept getting water from the fountain, so she had plenty to work with. They soon found out that to create the perfect amount of steam they needed a small ball of water that could fit in Katara's palm, with the fire being the same but just a little bigger. Once they figured that out they stood facing each other. (Y/N) was on the left as Katara was on the right. Their target was a dummy made of rock that Toph had made for them, who was now watching them. (Y/N) quickly brought his left hand up with a flame in his palm, as Katara did the same with her right hand and with water.

They threw the two elements up between the two of them, for the first one to fail as (Y/N) let go of the fire to early making the water not hit all of the fire and instead land on him. He heard Toph laugh for Katara to let out a giggle. He spotted Ty Lee a little further away, as she came to see what was happening. She was holding in a laugh making (Y/N) chuckle. Katara composed herself, "Alright let's try again." The two tried again to get it right creating a small cloud of steam. As soon as they created steam they both took a step forward as they turned there bodies to where they had their backs to each other. As they turned they brought the hands they did not use up to punch the air in front of them, as they had their fists facing the dummy. The steam moved forward just a little bit in front of them. The two let out a sigh to continue trying, until an hour had passed. Sokka had joined in watching as he laid on the ground. As (Y/N) and Katara were getting a little frustrated, Ty Lee offered to make some lunch. The group liked the idea so Toph went to find the other three kids as Sokka went to help Ty Lee with lunch, mainly because he wanted the first bowl of food.

A Few Hours Later

The sun was getting dark as Katara and (Y/N) were sitting on the ground, as they have been practicing all day. Copying Combustion Man turned out to be a lot harder than what the two thought. The young boy to looked at the ground, "There's gotta be something missing." Katara looked at him, "It just takes practice." It was silent for a while until something crossed (Y/N)'s mind, "When you and Zuko were locked up in Ba Sing Se, what did he talk about?" Katara thought for a moment, "He mainly talked about your mother and how he misses her." "Well she was a great mom." "He also said that he was happy." "Happy about what?" "About living with you and your uncle. He said that he was glad that you found each other." The two sat in uncomfortable silence for Katara to try and say something, but (Y/N) laid on the ground for Katara to lay next to him, "What's on your mind?" "I don't know what to do Katara. Zuko is my older brother, but he's betrayed me before. Azula is my twin sister, but she wants to end anyone who opposes her." "A liar and a tyrant. I've gotta say, I've never met someone with worse siblings." "Well, there is Sokka." "That is true." (Y/N) let out a sigh, "I want everything to back to the way it was. When Zuko would play with Azula and I. I remember one time when we were little he protected us from an angry mother turtle duck because Azula threw a rock in the pond." "How'd that turn out?" "The mother bit his leg. He's got a scar from it actually." "Seriously?" "Yeah, it's faint but it's there." It went silent for a while until Katara got curious, "What was Azula like as a kid?" "Well she was still mean, but she had a very big soft side." "A soft side?" The boy nodded, "Mhm. She might not of said it, but she always got sad when I didn't play with her, and she would try to apologize if she accidentally hurt me. Not verbally of course. She would usually have the cooks make my favorite breakfast."

It was a silent for a while until (Y/N) sat up, "Let's try again. I feel good about this one." Katara and (Y/N) got back in the position that they were in before. The two took a deep breathe to throw the elements in the air making steam. They then took a step forward to punch the air to bend the steam making it go forward. It went quicker than before for the two to hear a loud whistle until the small ball of steam exploded in front of the rock dummy. The explosion was not so big that it created a crater, but it was enough to knock the dummy back, as the top half of it was now in pieces. (Y/N) threw his hands up, "Yes!" Katara stood there staring at the broken dummy, "It actually worked?" She then held her arms out towards the dummy, "It actually worked!" As the two celebrated Sokka ran out with his boomerang, "Combustion man! Where is he?!" (Y/N) turned to Sokka as he was still excited, "That was us!" Sokka gave him a confused look, "What?"

The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar The Last Airbender x Male Reader) [Hiatus]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें