People-pleaser bastard and the escapism.

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I heard a knock on the door, finally they're here.

"Would you believe me if I said that someone decided to start underage drinking?" Mari said, entering the room with Agate.

"Yeah, Rose was drunk too. I had to carry her here." I hear Mari sigh, as Agate starts pouting and just throws herself in bed. "I don't think it's a good idea to let them attend the lual."

"Even if it isn't, they have to. The school will probably go after them if they don't go, and that would get us all into trouble. I think we should let them sleep and try our best to wake them up later."

"Guess you're right. Can I go up there?" She referred to my bed, and I nodded. She sat there and stayed silent. I guess neither of us had what to say after what happened, it really was disappointing after all.

"Kinda impressed me with that. I thought you would already start getting dressed to the lual." I commented.

"Huh? Oh no, since the makeup is ready, I wouldn't take that long. Talking about makeup, we should take their makeup off... I'll grab the makeup remover, alright?" She got down and started going through her bag to find that thing. I got pretty dense, since I knew I would end up taking Rose's makeup off, and I don't really feel that comfortable around her anymore.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Mari-" I got interrupted by a box of something similar to tissues being thrown to my face. "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

"Geez, don't scream! Just do what you were told and done." She said, going over to Agate's bed and trying to wake her up.

I tried doing the same, so I got off my bed and went over to Rose, but I wasn't as gentle as Mari.

"Hey. Rose. Wake up." I said, shaking her.

"Ugh- crap, only more five minutes..."

"Wake up. You have to take off your makeup." I said as I put the box of 'tissues' on her lap and left. She just got up, grabbed one of the 'tissues' and started rubbing it on her face.

I went to the closet to take my outfit for today's event, as Mari stared at me with her mom look. I took my outfit, changed, and jumped again onto my bed.
'Just do what you were told', she said. Don't you notice how wrong this sentence is in any context? If I had done what I was told, I would be out there murdering people!
Well, thinking twice about it, I kinda do what I was told ever since I started school. Don't drop out, you'll never find a future like that.


Hm? Could it be...
I grabbed my phone as quick as I could.

  Hey Killua.
  Today was kinda awful.
  Me and my friends had an argument in the
  And today, while I was making my way to that
  goddamn party, they passed by me with their car
  and made sure to go in a puddle just to get me wet.
  I went back home and cried for a bit, lol
  I trusted them a lot.
<Well, sh*t happens, I guess.
06:52 p.m.

Wow, that explains much.

Heh, I guess she's right. I really hope she's already feeling better though.

Is it the time to text her back yet?
No, she's venting. I shouldn't reply when I don't know what to say, just because I feel like trying to comfort her.
Awful idea, scratch that. Let her talk.

"Wooow, that's an hot outfit." I heard from across the room. Someone I thought that would have already gone back to sleep, but there was she, awake as she never went to sleep.

"Go to sleep, Rose. You need to rest." Mari said.

"Geez, fine! Not even a thank you for the compliment? Rude." And there she laid down again.

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