Grounded monologue.

121 4 9

'Great way to go, Killua.' I thought to myself.
After what happened at school, I got suspended, and eventually grounded.
So I'm locked inside my room, with a big TV, a big closet and my phone. And a couple stuff more, like old toys, some pictures, a bathroom with a few makeup that I totally did not stole, nail polish and my king sized bed. Of course, I only listed what I could see from behind my phone.
And there was still my window, that showed a big forest. The day was perfect to be outside...
But since I can't go outside, what the hell should I do?

I could try to make some outfits out of the clothes in my closet! Yeah, sounds great!

I get up from bed and I go to my closet, going through my stuff until I found something I liked.

"No, no... a suit? Nice! I'll wear it!" And I threw it on the ground.
I kept doing that until I had enough outfits, so I started trying them on.

And one after another, I noticed how boring that was. There I spent two hours of my day, doing something not so worth my time.
I sigh, as I go back to bed, and hear a notification.

'Could it be...' as I got my phone, it was exactly who I thought it was: the weird girl from the fake messages app.

You heard me, I said weird. Who the hell would text their comfort character through a fake Twitter app?
Don't answer.

I'm at class atm, math classes.
No words can go through my brain lol
And trying to concentrate will probably just give me
an headache.
<Anyways, I hope your day was fine so far!

Thanks. It wasn't though.
I turned off my phone to look outside, everything seems so boring...
And then RING! It's her again.

<may I share something that has been on my mind?

Sure, go ahead.

  Have you seen how people just ignore their
  surroundings, when it can be so pretty?
  The lights in the buildings that match the dark
  night perfectly, or the green leaves that look even
  more green as the sun shines, making everything
  look brighter.
<I find it so nice.

How poetic. It's a shame that I can't see no city lights from up here.
...but then I look again through my window, it's still morning.
She was right about the leaves, that looked even more green, just like the grass, and how everything seemed to be brighter. I look up to see a clear sky, with no clouds, just a bright day.
Is the day like this for her too? I wonder if she sees it... or even, maybe she can see from the window of the class people walking and doing their stuff, all looking happier due to the bright sun. That got me imagining for some good 10 minutes.

Wait, why did I spend so much time thinking about a random person's life? Am I stupid?
I grabbed my phone again, more notifications to be seen.

  It's cloudy here though lol
  I like the cloudy sky too.
  Once you look at stuff and start romanticizing the
  little thing about your life, it's like you can't stop.
  You should try that.
<Anyways, I'll talk to you after class! Bye!

Ah... a cloudy sky. How can she find that pretty?
Well, mother once said that "everything will look pretty in beautiful eyes.", I think she took that from a book.

I left my phone and went to my window, again.

There's some bugs outside, a tree with apples... whoah, what a pretty butterfly! There's also a flower tree, with red flowers, showing it's beauty to the world. Some birds pass by, I'd say there were 15 birds.
After what she said- or better, wrote, I started noticing the small details I could see from my window. One by one, as time passed, even if it felt like it stopped.

Suddenly, someone opens my bedroom's door.

"Lunch is ready." Piggy said. Damn, could he learn how to knock? I bet if it was him watching his weeb sh*t, he wouldn't like that someone entered without knocking.
I looked at the clock, another two hours had passed. How did it pass so fast? When I was dressing up, it felt like forever!
I started walking outside my room. Was it because I was doing something that I found fun? No, that wasn't that fun. But it did keep me entertained, weirdly. It wasn't just the view, there's something more to it, I just have no idea what!

I get to the dining room, and I sit where I'm used to. In the table, there's some fancy food. I couldn't care less about what it was, so I just started eating.

"Kil." My brother called. "Father wants to talk to you."

"What?" I reply.

"Killua, don't speak while eating!" My mom scolded.

"Jesus, just say what you guys want already."

"You promised to not give us any trouble if you got into school." My dad started. "So, you either don't get into any more trouble, or you'll have to drop school."

I choked on my own food as I started protesting, "NOT FAIR! I'VE BEEN IN THAT PLACE FOR 5 YEARS AND I NEVER GOT INTO TROUBLE!"

"That's the problem, dumbass." Piggy stated.


"That's enough." Dad was trying to intervene conflict, but I just got up and left the table, going back to my room.
He let me study in that school, he should just accept the consequences! I'm not even that problematic!
I just wish someone could understand me in this house!

...well, she used to.
But she's not here anymore.

As those memories went through my mind, I changed my path. I went to what was my sister's room.
The very same place dad killed her.
Ah, how I miss her... I failed to protect her... it's all my fault. I could have stayed for more time with her instead of being so scared of my family, we could have escaped, we could have found a way...
...but we didn't. I didn't. It is my fault she'll never play with those toys again, or lift me up again, or do things a normal kid would do again. It's my fault she'll never know how it's like to try and escape home, or how it is to go on a roller coaster, or how to actually have fun.


  Hey Killua!
   Just wanted to say, I'm really proud of you.
   I don't really know what you are doing with Alluka
   right now, or what is Illumi planning, but I'm really
   proud of you!
<So keep doing your best!
01:56p.m.'s her, again.
How did she know about all that stuff?
However she found out, it doesn't really matter. Reading that was quite comforting. No, it was really comforting. It felt like a hug, but not like someone was actually hugging me, but the sensation was similar to when someone hugs me... AGH, SO CONFUSING! Whatever, it doesn't matter.
I guess I'm starting to get even more interested on that person.

"Killua, pat my head!" These words make me turn around instantly. Guess I was so stuck on my thoughts that what I heard was only my mind, bringing back memories... I got so distracted, that it even felt real...
Does that make any sense?
Well, doesn't matter.

I got up and started walking towards my room again. I walk through the hallways, with weird paintings, pictures and bloodstains on the ugly wallpaper, walking as my steps don't make any sound as they touch the wood floor.
I open the door to my room, and there was someone standing there.

"Kil." The cold voice said, as he turned around, expecting my entrance. "You're grounded. Stay in your room."

"I was visiting her room." I replied, with a tone as cold as his.

"Her who?"


"Oh. The thing." He turned back around as he got up.

"Don't call her a thing." And when I noticed, he had left the room, slamming the door.

And there I was again, I had nothing to do.


...well, nothing is a strong word. There was something I could spend the day doing.
Well, guess we can say I am a good listener.

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