Yan Hui turned over, grabbed the back of Huan Xiao Yan's collar, and turned her around. Yan Hui was originally going to keep asking, but when she saw the cake in Huan Xiao Yan's hand, she was stunned: "What's that?"

"Moon cake. Master, have you not seen one before?"

Of course Yan Hui had seen them before. It was just that the shape of Central Plain's moon cakes were a little different than Qing Qiu's moon cakes.

Yan Hui asked in surprise: "Today is the Autumn Moon Festival?"

Huan Xiao Yan nodded: "Yep."

A tremor ran down Yan Hui's body. She flipped off the bed: "What time is it?" She didn't wait for the illusion demon to respond and ran to the window. The sky was already starting to darken. She asked as she hurriedly put on her shoes: "Where did you say you saw Tian Yao?"

Huan Xiao Yan was stunned by Yan Hui's agitation and numbly replied: "That path you normally take to go to the spring........."

Huan Xiao Yan didn't even finish before Yan Hui jerked open the door and hurriedly ran toward the spring.

Today was the Autumn Moon Festival. It was when the moon was at the biggest it would ever be for that year. Tian Yao suffered every night of the full moon. Tian Yao would likely suffer through even more pain than usual tonight. Even though he found many of his body parts, it seemed like the pain he felt hadn't lessened by much.

By the time Yan Hui ran into the forest, the full moon was already starting to peek over the east mountain peak.

There were many demons races that had a particular reaction to the full moon. Some would become especially calm, others especially irritable. That's why even though Yan Hui was walking on a familiar path, the forest had a different feel than normal.

The moonlight turned the forest hazy. Yan Hui was almost at the healing spring. She could faintly see an enormous animal rolling around on the ground. It so just happened that Yan Hui was completely focused on what she saw when suddenly a great force rushed at her out of the corner of her eye. Yan Hui was caught completely unawares and fell onto the ground.

Its fur was prickly, and its breath reeked of blood. The smell assaulted Yan Hui's nose. She didn't even get a chance to see what type of demon had lunged at her when it went straight for her throat.

Those hot teeth had already touched Yan Hui's skin when in a flash, a dragon's roar seemed to come from a distance.

Yan Hui had already stiffened. In a blink of an eye, the demon that was pinning down Yan Hui disappeared. Off to the side came a pain-filled animal wail.

Yan Hui crawled about 3 meters away in the opposite direction. Only then did she turned her head back to look. The moonlight cast shadows due to the trees. In the shadowy darkness, there were no demons seen clashing. Only the sounds of brutal hits could be heard, like a primal fight. However after a short period, there was no more trace of any movement.

Yan Hui no longer had any magic in her body She squinted her eyes and tried to peer into the darkness to see what the situation was, but it was all for naught.

She supported herself using the tree behind her and stood up. She called out: "Tian Yao?"

There was no movement. She made up her mind and walked forward. Right when she moved, there was a sudden gust of wind from that direction. The dragon immediately soared upwards into the sky. Yan Hui looked up and watched the dragon soar into the sky. He had a clean, crisp silhouette against the enormous moon.

However, he didn't fly far before he started to struggle, falling from the sky. It was clear to the eye that he was struggling hard to steady his body, but the pain was too much. He couldn't control it.

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