Fleeing Phoenix Part 2

Start from the beginning

"How'd you get in here?" I asked before stretching my arms and legs, letting out a satisfied groan when my limbs popped.

"The window. Answer my questions or I'm going to assume you're a prisoner!"

"I wouldn't be in his bed if I was a hostage I don't think." Mayren paused for a second, then nodded.

"Oh. I guess that's true. Still, why are you here?"

"I will tell you when I come home..at some point. You should go before someone catches you. Please let my mother know that I am safe and that I will come home sometime soon."

"I will, but you owe me, because she's going to stab me with her beak for not bringing you back." Mayren glared playfully, before making his way to the window.

Grinning, I shooed him off. "Yeah, yeah." Soon it was just me, myself, and I, standing next to the bed. I hadn't realized it before, but there was a tray of food sitting off to the side on a table. Laid there was an assortment of fruits and pastries, all looking delectable.

The morning flew by fairly quickly. I had made sure to eat and afterward I took it upon myself to explore the King's chambers. It was very ornate, from the tiling of the floors to the trim around the ceiling. Everything had a beautifully classic feel to it. Everything in the room was either a classic gold color or a chestnut brown. It was a stark contrast to the cool greens and blues that were most common in my village. In fact, the area and palace itself were a heavy contrast to our gorgeously ancient village in general. I first started with the bed, fully taking in its comfortable mattress and silk sheets. It was a canopy bed, surrounded by thick golden curtains that had intricate designs on them. To the left was the window that I snuck into, along the plush bench underneath, which was surprisingly comfortable. Next to the bench was a stone fireplace. It was decorated with dragons that slithered along the edges. The room itself didn't have very much in it. There was a bookshelf that was settled next to the exit double doors. To the right of those doors was another that led to what I assumed was the bathroom. Next to the bed on the right, flush against the wall was a small couch that looked soft enough to take a nap on. It was also gold.

After surveying the room I realized just how lonely I felt sitting here by myself. Without rationally thinking, I got up and made my way to the double doors. When I peeked my head out, I saw no one, so I began walking, in search of my king. I padded through about five hallways before I heard his gentle yet demanding voice. Through a slightly cracked door, I saw him in a room of other people, sitting at the end of a long table in what seemed to be a chair meant on his throne. He was still busy of course, I hadn't thought about that fact and decided that it would be best if I found my way back to his room.

"What do you think you are doing?" Rough gloved hands gripped onto my arm harshly, causing me to whimper. When I didn't answer his grip tightened. "I heard they were chasing a red haired freak yesterday. Must have been you. You should be killed for trespassing," The guard sneered. What made me even more uncomfortable was the sickly grin on his face.

"Who is disturbing my meeting?" Orion called from the head of the table. A guard who was standing inside the room fully opened one of the doors to reveal me struggling within the soldier's grasp. I immediately made eye contact with King Orion, my fearful eyes making his face soften with concern. He then looked at the guard and scowled. "Get your hands off of him. Now." When the guard began to argue, Orion slammed his hand down on the table, an echo bouncing off of the walls. "Do I need to repeat myself?"

"No, your highness," The guard roughly threw my arm down, causing me to let out a small strangled cry. Orion's scowl deepened at the guard's hurtful actions.

"Get back to your post. I will deal with you later," he flicked his wrist in the direction of the door and the rude guard quickly made his exit.

The powerful gleam in his eyes excited me; almost enough to distract me from my impenetrable fear. I stared at the ground, wishing I had stayed in the bedroom snuggled up in the sheets that smelled like him.

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