Yup, the BIG bad Vander has a crush on her. But she can always see the back inside of his eye. He's always jealous when she hangs out with Silco a lot, and talks to him a lot. Especially when Silco makes Elvira laugh. Which makes her awkward and weirded out about Vanders action. Wishing she has a break from Vanders behavior towards her. She finishes her scotch and gets up from her seat. "I'm gonna go outside to smoke, guys. Be back later." She stuffs her hands in her pockets and walks out. Walking far from The Last Drop going to her usual spot.

She stops at the spot where she can see over the railing, the river toxin just still, and the sun just setting down.

Brings out her cigarette pocket and matches, puts one in the middle of her mouth and lit it up. Starts puffing it slowly. Feeling a bit relaxed, but still can't stop thinking about Vanders crushing over her. Groans in frustration and rubs her nose temple. She inhales the cigarette again and puffs out the smoke with a little trick like a circle.

She thinks over in her thoughts, while smoking, how is she gonna break it off to Vander? She only finds him as a brother to her. Which she won't know if he will be able to handle about being friend-zoned. It may break her dead heart if she sees Vander heartbroken. 

But the only person she has eyes ever laid on is Silco. How he makes her feel since they all met. Wouldn't even forget how she saved his ass from 4 enforcer's while he was just standing there, stunned when he saw Elvira fight them. Thinking back that moment made her chuckle.

When Elvira was about to smoke, she felt a sudden pain and hunger against her throat, accidentally dropped her cigarette on the floor, cups her throat, massaging it. 'Fuck, my hunger already came up. Thanks to that human food I kept down and threw it out of my system.' She cursed in her thoughts. Sliding down against the wall on the floor. Groaning in pain trying so hard to massage her throat. But it was no help. Then, Elvira heard a small squeak on her right side. Opening her pale eyes, turning to see. She then saw a gray rat eating human food. She hissed slowly but low, each four fangs appeared out from her gums, her eyes turned blood red and sclera pitch black. She even felt her nails grow long and sharp. 

She even saw the rat looking up cautiously and stared at her. But with sudden speed, Elvira grabbed the squeaking rat in her hand, moving and thrashing around. Trying to break free from her grip.

Elvira opened her mouth wide, leaning in to bite down the poor rat in its ribs. Drinking its blood. The rat wasn't moving, or clawing and squeaking anymore. Knowing she had killed it. Suckling every last drop from the dead rat. 

Feeling all the pleasure sensation against her throat. Moaning as her eyes rolled back, drinking a few more. The rat will do for now, to her. Moved her mouth away from the rat, gasped a bit and breathed heavily. Blood painted over her mouth and teeth. In the corner drips on her knees as she licks the blood off the corner and groans in pleasure. She drops the dead rat on the floor, lifts up her left hand, sees her sharp long nails, and fingers covered in blood. Lifts her fingers up to her mouth and licks them off with a kitty lick.

Arches her neck to look up to the sky, sighs in satisfaction. 


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Secrets and Lies (Arcane Silco x OC Vamp. Female)Where stories live. Discover now