31: Pale and Lifeless

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Mara sighed as she woke once again to an empty bed. Bas had been gone for almost three weeks now, and every night was just as hard as the one before.

"Morning Miss Mara." Mildred smiled cheerfully as she opened the curtains in Mara's room.

She could see how down Mara was, missing Bas, and if she didn't come in to help get her out of bed, she would spend all day there.

"Morning." Mara sighed, miserably before throwing back the covers and clambering out of bed.

Mildred watched as Mara appeared at the bottom of the stairs, her hair hung limp and greasy around her face. Her skin was pale and lifeless.

"Are you alright?" Mildred asked as she placed a plate of toast in front of Mara, her hands were shaking as she picked at the food.

"Do you know when he will be back?"

"Who?" Mildred asked absentmindedly as she dusted the dining room.


"Oh, I don't know, miss. Soon I believe."

Mara swallowed hard and pushed away the toast, she disappeared back up stairs. Mildred watched with a frown.

Mara was depressed, anyone could see it but Mildred didn't know what to do.

After a few moments of silence, Mara's sobs filled the house. Mildred threw her cloth down on the table.

She found a pen and some paper and quickly scrawled down all she needed to say.

Master Sebastian,

I realise you are away on business and I'm sorry to disturb you, but Mara is finding your absence very difficult to deal with.

I would ask that if possible, you could cut your business trip short and come home to Mara.


She quickly scrawled down the address Bas gave her in case of an emergency, she believed that the state Mara was in qualified as an emergency.

With Mara's sobs still filling the house, Mildred quickly left the house to walk to the nearest post box. She let the envelop fall down and heard the thud of it hitting other letters, she wondered what their words were.

Three days later and Mara had been practically forced into a bath by Mildred, she had hoped it would make her feel better, but in reality it just reminded her of the time when Bas washed her.

Her hair was still damp and plastered to her cheeks as she walked downstairs in a dark green gown.

"There." Mildred smiled, squeezing Mara's hand gently, "don't you feel better now?"

"Yes," Mara said with a smile, even though she was lying through her teeth.

"That's good." Mildred bustled about the room as Mara perched uncomfortably on one of the sofas. "I'll fetch you some tea in a moment."

"Oh, please don't worry." Mara said, stroking the heavy leather cover of a book she had on her lap.

"It's my job to worry, Miss." Mildred replied as she exited the drawing room.

When a knock came at the door, Mildred said a quiet prayer that the knocker was Bas. Even after her bath, Mara still looked ill and so broken.

She opened the door and practically sighed in relief at the sight of Bastian standing there, dressed in his long trench coat and an anxious smile on his face.

"Where is she?" He asked, hanging up his coat as his eyes darted anxiously about the house.

"She's in the drawing room." Mildred whispered and Bas nodded before taking off to the room in question.

As he went to open the door, he could hear Mara quietly weeping, from the sound it was as if she had her palm pressed into her mouth to quiet the tears.

Bas pushed open the door and saw Mara sat, hunched over with her back to the door. She didn't move, didn't react to his presence. She was so lost in tears that she hadn't noticed.

"Mara, my angel." At his voice, her head raised slowly. Like she couldn't believe he was there.

Then she turned her head and saw him standing there, nervously wringing his hands as he waited for her reaction.

She stood from the chair, carefully laying the heavy book on the cushion before she flew across the room and lay her head on his chest.

Bas could see from her pale skin how much she needed him. He was sure, as he wrapped his arms around her, that she had lost weight and it broke his heart.

It wasn't his fault that he had to leave, he needed to arrange transports for the golden promise for their future to continue, but even then, he didn't want to leave her.

"I'm so sorry, beautiful." Bas apologised as he lead her to the sofa and pulled her onto his lap.

Mara's tears wet his shirt as her fingers cling to him.

"Please don't leave me again." Mara begged, "I can't be without you again."

"I know." Bas soothed, stroking up and down her back, "I know my love."

"Promise me." Mara demanded, her voice firm and desperate.

"I promise." Bas swore as he rocked her gently in his arms.

"The Golden Promise is going on a trip next week, for six months."

Mara's head raised from his chest, her eyes cut into his as she stared at him.

"I'm coming with you." She interrupted, "that's final."

Bas nodded his head, swallowing gently.

"Mara," his voice was soft and careful as he stroked her cheek, "it would be rather unorthodox."

"I don't care." All Mara wanted was to be with him, after only three weeks apart her heart felt crushed with longing for him, so the thought of six months terrified her.

"Well then," Bas smiled and clutched at her hips, "that's that then. I'll ask Mildred to pack for us."

Mara nodded her head and rested her cheek back down on his chest.

"I don't care what happens, what people think, what people say, so long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

"Very well then angel, but I have one condition. We will be travelling to Zauros, so you are not to leave the boat."

"Oh." Mara's brain processed what bas was telling her.

"Promise me, Mara."

"I promise."

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