Tian Yao stayed silent.

Chang Lan softly sighed. He spoke, half mocking, half cursing: "I picked up this wild child and raised her. She didn't even heal my eyes before going........" He stopped, unable to speak further. He turned to go, no longer staying by the grave and left without another word.

Tian Yao quietly kept Yan Hui company there. The wind at the grass mound was like what Chang Lan said; it was constantly blowing unhindered. But it did make Yan Hui's hair somewhat messy.

"Tian Yao." Yan Hui suddenly spoke up. "That year when Su Ying betrayed you, how did you feel?"
She didn't wiat for Tian Yao to respond before waving her hand. "No, I shouldn't have asked that. Pretend like you didn't hear me."

Tian Yao also didn't answer.

They silently stood there longer before Yan Hui spoke again: "You go back first. I'll stay here a while longer."

Although he a little didn't want to go, Yan Hui's dismissal was clear. Thus Tian Yao didn't argue---

After all, even if he continued to stand there, he had no consoling words to say.

There was no one else in the surrounding area. Yan Hui looked at the soul behind the tombstone and spoke: "You're not going to reincarnate and instead stand here alone until you become an evil spirit?"

Pu Fang's figure wavered in the breeze. She looked at Yan Hui in surprise: "You can see me?"

"I don't want to see you," said Yan Hui. "That you've turned into this means there's something in your heart that you can't let go, but those matters are something you should no longer chase after."

Pu Fang looked down: "I can't leave." She paused. "You're not scolding me.......That day, you were clearly trying to stop me. Chang Lan also lectured me. But I still didn't listen. You're not going to mock me? You should say, Look, I told you so, serves you right for not listening......."

"If those words could bring you back to life then I would sit by your grave day and night to keep harping on you." Yan Hui walked forward and pick off the wildflowers blown onto Pu Fang's tombstone by the wind. "Me mocking you won't help. You mocking yourself also won't help. All you can do is tidy up your hair, dust off your clothes, and walk with head high to the next place you ought to go."

Then, the remaining matters would naturally be left to the living to resolve.

Pu Fang's response was to just shake her head. She spoke no further.

Yan Hui also knew that since Pu Fang had turned into a wandering soul, then what had Pu Fang's heart trapped also wasn't something that could be let go with just a few words. Thus, Yan Hui silently kept Pu Fang company for a while before waving goodbye.

Within the day, the news that Qing Qiu's doctor had passed spread. All the demon clans were in an uproar.

As a doctor, Pu Fang's status in the demon clans was quite high. She had saved the lives of many demons, and those demons viewed her as their savior. Once the news spread that she died by the hands of a xian cultivator at San Chong Mountain, the knife-edge tension at the border keyed up even more.

The anger from being suppressed for many years by the xian cultivators at San Chong Mountain caused quite a few demons to form their own group and cross over the abyss at the border to enter San Chong Mountain. Many conflicts sprung up between them and the xian cultivators.

Yan Hui wasn't idle these few days either. Yan Hui tagged along with Tian Yao when he went to discuss with the demons about surprise attacks and breaking the Sky-Splitting Seal. She silent sat there with clasped hands and watched them train. When night fell, she sat and cultivated.

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