"Ya, but only magic that sharpens the senses, and a little bit of nine-tailed fox demon magic." Yan Hui snuck a glance at Pu Fang. "How do you know?"

"Your blood's aura has slight dragon aura." Pu Fang continued, " Probably because you're learning from him. But it's strange, usually xian cultivators that transition to demon cultivation without first purifying their essence early on end up misguided and heretical. However, your mind is still clear and sane. From the smell of your blood, it actually seems like your more suited to follow the demon path than the xian pathway."

The Third Prince didn't know the relationship between Yan Hui and Tian Yao. Thus, it was expected that Pu Fang wouldn't know either. In Qing Qiu, other than the king himself, no one else could see what linked Yan Hui and Tian Yao was a heart protection scale.

"If you continue learning from the dragon demon, the dragon aura in your body will become more distinct. But if you continue wearing the anosmia sachet, unless you bleed, no one will be able to tell."

Yan Hui silently listened to those words. She changed the topic: "How do you all know I'm wearing the anosmia sachet?"

"The nine-tailed fox demon clan wear it to make it easier when going to Central Plains."

Yan Hui nodded and didn't continue to topic. The room grew quiet, and Pu Fang started to talk about the xian cultivator again.

Yan Hui didn't pay any attention. She was pondering her own matters.

Time was going by fast during their stay at Qing Qiu. Every day, Tian Yao was busy discussing with the nine-tailed fox demon clan on how they were going to break the sky-splitting seal on the night of the full moon. He was so busy that there was no rest. When Yan Hui woke up, he had already left. When Yan Hui went to sleep, he still hadn't returned. They haven't even seen each other these past few days.

Yan Hui didn't care about that at all. She was very satisfied with her current lifestyle. Clothes and food were just a beckon or open mouth away. There probably was nowhere else in the world more suitable for Yan Hui's idle-living-and-eating-until-death style. As for the xian-demon tensions and even Chen Xing Mountain, that was all in the past. She no longer wanted to think about it. She figured by the time her wound healed and the scar was gone, it would've all blown over.

In a blink of an eye, nine days had passed. The wound on Yan Hui's face turned into a scab. She inspected in in a mirror: "Once the scab falls off, that's it? You there won't be a scar?"

Pu Fang rolled her eyes and sneered. She handed over a bowl of black medicinal soup: "Drink that and see for yourself."

Yan Hui looked at the color. She immediately thought it looked bitter and narrowed her eyes in worry: "Is this edible?"

"What do you think?"

Yan Hui signed and accepted the medicine. She tipped her head back and poured it down her throat. The soup was as bitter as she had imagined. Yan Hui made a face when she finished. She couldn't even speak due to the taste. A piece of honey candy was stuffed into her mouth.

The sweet taste immediately dispelled the bitterness.

Yan Hui was shocked. She lifted her head and looked at Pu Fang. Pu Fang proudly arched an eyebrow: "That's what I do when I have to treat naughty little demons. Don't think I"m giving you special treatment."

When Pu Fang said that, Yan Hui suddenly felt her cheek where the scab was start to itch. She looked toward the hand mirror. The dark scab entirely fell off, revealing healed skin underneath. There wasn't even a trace of a dark mark left behind.

Yan Hui felt her face in astonishment. She put down the mirror and hurried said toward Pu Fang, "There's a scar on my chest where my heart is. You have to help me treat it."

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