Chapter 14: City adventures

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If you know what Marvel movie she's in your a legend and have great taste:) Enjoy the chapter my Wattpad family❤️

"Oh, I'm not looking forward to this," you complained as one of Gally's men pulled the drain cover off the hole.

"Why?" Newt glanced at you, then down into the hole.

"The smell."

"Be careful, Thomas," you heard Jorge whisper to your cousin warily.

"We'll be alright," you told Jorge reassuringly. You knew you'd be alright, but you didn't want them to shake Gally's confidence too much.

As said ex Glader was slipping his feet down the ladder Fry stopped him, "Take care of them."

Gally glanced up at you, "Yeah."

Thomas followed and you let Newt go before you, "Relax guys, maybe try and find something to eat?"

"Thanks, Y/n," Brenda nodded, "See you soon."

You grinned at her and disappeared into the hole of bad smells.

When you reached the bottom of the ladder Gally threw you a torch and the four of you started heading through the twisting tunnel with the dirty water running through the middle. As much as you were thrilled to be back with Newt and Thomas you weren't glad to be back in this sticking tunnel even if it was with them.

"This is gross," Newt groaned shining his torch over the muddy water.

"Jesus," Thomas muttered under his breath as his foot slid into the water. "Yeah, this is great."

You threw him a 'shut up' look over your shoulder, this wasn't the time for him to become a drama queen about getting soggy toes.

You flicked the switch that turned the little bulbs on and the rest of the tunnel was slowly cast into light. Gally didn't even pause continuing to stride down the tunnel.

Silence continued to follow the group as you walked down the tunnel, the sloshing of water and light footsteps echoing around the narrow walls.

"What happened to your hand?" Newt questioned making you look down at the hand that'd been scratched on the glass window when you escaped Wicked.

"I got pushed from a window the night I escaped Wicked, it's not too bad though."

"Was it Wicked scum that pushed you or Ratman?" Thomas chimed in from in front of you.

You chuckled, "It was actually Minho."

"No way?" Newt laughed.

"How is he doing?" Thomas glanced at you over his shoulder, "How did you two end up meeting up?"

"He's alright, well he's alright as one can be in a place like that. There's this simulation they put you in to induce fear. That's how they're trying to find the cure but it didn't work on me."

"How come?" Newt questioned.

"They sent me back to the Maze, to the Centre but it just made me angry, apparently anger doesn't make the right serum and they didn't put me back in it. They were going to kill me but a scientist, doctor lady, and her husband saved me from getting shot. She took me back to her office where Minho was hiding there. She'd been helping him since he got caught back at the Right Arm base. She used to work with Mary and she's so close to finding a cure."

"But a cure isn't possible from-"

"It's not in our brain," you stopped Thomas, "It's in blood but not all immunes blood. Only a few of us have this gene that allows us to have the cure. A bit of blood can make enough cure to save thousands."

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