Chapter 2: Back in hell

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"Is she alive?"

"Do I look like a doctor? I don't know!"

"I wonder who she is."

"She must be immune, or they would've killed her."

"I heard a guard say that a group of rebel immunes stole one of the carriages at the back of the train."

Voices, so many voices. Voices you didn't recognise. Voices muttering to each other in hushed whispered.

"They could've picked up our carriage."

"Maybe they'll come back for us?"

You groaned feeling soreness ripple across your entire body. It throbbed as if you'd been sprinting around the Maze all day without a break.

"She's waking up!"

"Will you shut it?" You called your eyes closed as you tried to figure out where you were. The voices fell silent instantly as you attempted to move. It was only then, did you realise your wrists were cuffed securely together.

You snapped your eyes open surveying your surroundings. You were inside what looked like a rectangular room filled with benches. Children between the ages of 13 and 16 were sat on the benches watching you with curious faces gleaming in the dim light. Now you could see properly, there was a cuff on each of your ankles connected by a long chain.

"Where the hell am I?" You questioned the nearest kid, he jumped and looked at the girl beside him, as if hoping she'd answer for him. The girl reminded you of a younger version of Harriet.

"You're on the train," she replied apprehensively yet confidently.

"No shit," you breathed your head falling into your hands as you realised what'd happened.

One of the Wicked guards had shot you off the carriage as they lifted Minho to safety.

A mixture of emotions hit you; anger at the guards but relief that he was safe, yet a deep sadness you couldn't be with him.

"What happened to you?" A slightly older boy asked three rows from the front on the left side of the isle.

"I got shot by a stun bullet," you sighed rolling to your feet and shuffling to the door. There was a vent at the top but it didn't give you any suggestion to where you were, it was pitch black outside.


Children are so annoying. You remembered the annoyance of the new girls asking questions in the Maze.

"From a gun, now shut up," none of them spoke, "How long has the train been moving since it stopped from our attack?"

They all looked as if they were thinking for a moment before a young boy from the back answered, "It's been hours can't tell for sure."

You nodded. This was probably the worst situation you'd ever managed to get yourself into. If only you moved away from the edge, you might've avoided getting shot. Even if you didn't avoid getting shot you might've fallen back onto the train instead of falling off it. Bloody idiot.

Your chains clanked as you stepped back over to the front and slid down the wall. Hopelessness was overwhelming you. All your friends were together, together with without you. Minho would be settled down in the camp with the boys you considered family, enjoying dinner with the rest of the immunes that'd been on the other carriage.

"Any idea where we're going?" You wondered outloud not looking at any of the scared children in particular.

"I heard something about a city," someone answered not sounding confident in their answer.

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