Chapter 5: Betrayed

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You read her message again.

Minho is here. Wrong carriage

Perhaps you were reading her neat handwriting wrong.

Minho is here. Wrong carriage.

No. There could be no lie in the way she looked at you. The beep blue eyes that you would never normally trust were gazing back into yours with no hint of a lie. She must be telling the truth, so Minho must be here somewhere.

You felt energy returning to your body as you sat up a little straighter. Your head was still pounding and your body in pain but for the first time since they caught you, you had hope. Hope that you had a chance to get out of this mess because there was no doubt in your mind that Thomas would try and rescue you. The guy was determined to rescue just Minho but now two members of the group were gone you knew they'd come. It was only a matter of time.

"Where is he?" You asked trying to keep the excitement out of your voice. You couldn't be sure how soundproof this room was.

She paused for a moment, clearly wondering how much to say without betraying too many of Wicked's secrets. You were thinking the same thing, you didn't know much about how Mary made the cure, only what you'd guessed. Surely, if Wicked wanted to make the cure so badly, telling them your assumptions might stop them aimlessly torturing immunes to try and get results. You wouldn't tell her there was something special about Thomas' blood though, that was her job to .

"He's being held in Cell Block 1. It's on the same floor as yours. What exactly do you know about the cure that helped Brenda?"

"Not a lot," you answered honestly, "I figured more out than she told me."

"And what was that?" She was leaning forward now looking more eager as the conversation progressed.

"Take me to Minho. Take me to see him and I'll tell you what I know."

She looked like she was struggling with herself for a moment. As if she really wanted to know what you did but didn't know if it was worth the risk. Of course, you wouldn't tell her everything straight away, that'd be too obvious. If you slowly dripped her information now and again, it might make her a little more flexible. Plus, she'd fight Ratman and Ava to keep you around.

"He's in an appointment right now. I can't."

You sat back your chains clinking as you surveyed her feeling confident in your plan for the first time since you arrived.

"But you can take me for a check-up and go past where he is. As long as I see him alive I won't try anything. In a more private room, I can give you some information. Sound good?"

Her eyes flicked back and forth for a moment, she checked her watch and then the door. You were surprised she was even considering taking you up on the offer. Your heart was racing as you waited, the thought of seeing Minho again was giving you butterflies.

"You'll behave?" You nodded, "No funny business, nothing at all?"

"Good as gold," you smiled slightly knowing you were pushing your boundaries with this request. You weren't lying, you wouldn't try anything, mostly because you had the motivation to stay now you knew Minho was still here.

"Fine," she sighed standing up and looking as if she was seriously going to regret what she was about to do, "Guards." They came back in and unchained you from the table, "I have need of her in my lab so if you will follow me again."

You walked calmly beside the guards managing to hold yourself straighter than before. You still ached and your feet were freezing but knowing Minho was in the building somewhere had given you more strength and hope than anything. Maybe you'd be able to persuade Teresa to let you speak to him and, knowing Minho, you'd come up with some kind of escape plan.

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