Chapter 1: The Train

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Vince wasn't the most gentle driver you'd ever been in a car with, but there wasn't much you could do about it as he tore across the plains.

You were in the back of the dune buggy, Vince was driving while Thomas was strapped securely into the front passenger seat. You, however, had no seat belt and instead clung onto the roll cage as if your life depended on it, the wind was whipping your hair around and your heart in your throat.

You cried with laughter and joy as Vince went a little too fast over a mound sending the buggy lurching into the air for a moment. Thomas sent him a look of warning as you crashed back to the ground chasing after the train.

"Hang on, Y/n," Vince warned glancing back at you, but you were having far too much fun to hear him. Despite the danger of the mission, you were having a grand old time trying not to get thrown out the back of the little buggy.

"Brenda! We're coming up behind. Keep them busy," Thomas shouted into his radio as the three of you neared the back of the train. You could feel your heart pumping in your ears and nerves fizzing through you like electricity.

Nearly there, Minho.

"HANG ON!" Vince called as you approaching the tracks behind the train.

The buggy got way more air than you expected and landed very heavily on its right wheels sending you flying out the right side. You managed to regain your footing just before you fell out, but now you were on the outside of the buggy next to Thomas.

"Funny seeing you here," you greeted pulling your body close to the buggy so you wouldn't get caught in the wind. Thomas' hand grabbed a chunk of your jacket and gripped it tightly in case you slipped again.

Once Vince managed to get the tires over each side of the tracks he put his foot down and shot towards the train.

"This is crazy, Thomas!" He shouted throwing Thomas a look that suggested he regretted going along with our plan.

For once, you agreed with him. Thomas' plans were normally 10% nerve, 20% luck and 70% improvisation, so when a solid plan was created you were very pleased. . . Until you were in the plan and realised how much of a dangerous idea it was. But this was WCKD you were dealing with, you'd never get anywhere playing it safe. That was one of your old rules when running the Maze. That felt like a lifetime ago now.

The buggy continued to speed towards the train getting closer and closer every second.

"Ready?" Thomas yelled unbuckling his seatbelt and moving to stand up.

You nodded determinedly starting to slide around the bugger to the front. You grabbed the hook and waited until the train was in reach.

"Get closer!" Thomas called grabbing the front of the buggy with one hand and crouching down beside you. You stayed low leaning forward as the train neared. Your heart was pounding as you waited, knowing if you messed this up you were screwed. "I've got you."

Thomas grabbed your hand tightly as you reached out for the train letting go of the buggy completely in the process. You forced your brain not to think about what would happen if you fell and instead fixed your eyes on the back of the train.

"I got it!" You yelled glancing back to Thomas once you'd slammed the hook down on the back of the train. Thomas released your hand and you jumped onto the train gripping the railings tightly.

Adrenaline was pumping around your body and you loved it.

"Come on, Vince!" Thomas urged landing beside you and beckoning to your driver.

The buggy's wheels started to shake and squeak as Vince climbed onto the front of the car. "Hurry!" You called noticing sparks flying out from one of the front wheels. It wasn't going to hold for long.

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