"Maddy!" i winced in pain as i held my left arm.

"Sorry. I was just making sure i'm not trippin and talking to a ghost."

"Sorry i've been MIA. A lot of shit has been happening and my phone was the least of my worries."

"Okay well you have to tell me everything."

"How about we catch up after school?" i questioned her as she nods her head. "Good idea. I have so much to tell you too." she smiled.

"Yes. How about we go to your house and talk?" she suggested.

I stopped in my tracks and looked her in the eyes. "Uh yeah about that.... i don't live with my parents at the moment." i admitted and she immediately flipped.

"Where are you staying? Bitch don't tell me you're homeless." she grabbed a hold of me and shook my whole body.

"No. I'm way too high maintenance to be homeless." i shook my head. We continued walking. "I'm uh... i'm actually staying with Fezco,"

"Fezco? like the drug dealer who owns that corner store?" she raised her brow at me. "Since when was that even a thing?"

"I don't know like.... a few weeks?" i smiled to myself thinking about it.

"Wait like this is a serious thing?" she questioned again.

"Well we're not official but... i'm not talking to anyone else." i admitted and she started screaming so loud people were staring.

"No fucking way." she seemed so surprised which caught me by surprise. Usually she'll make fun of and judge every guy i talk to.

"Aster Adams and the drug dealer." she nodded in acceptance.

"I really like him." i could feel my cheeks burning up. "He is literally the best guy I've ever talked to."

"So he's the reason i haven't seen you much." she playfully elbowed me. "You're too busy getting fucked by that ginger,"

"Stop." i playfully shoved her into a locker. We both started laughing and i was very red. This was the first time i was admitting to someone else that i liked Fezco other than Fez himself. It felt good to say.

"Awwww Aster is in love." she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

I might be.

"Aster!" i heard my name being called from behind me.

I turned my body to see Rue at the other end of the hall. "Hey Rue." i reached with a smile as she walked over to me.

"Hey." she got closer and immediately pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry about the other night." she whispered.

"Don't worry about it." i reassured her.

"I have good news." she pulled away from the hug and looked at me. "After what happened that night with Mouse... i decided to stay clean. Like actually clean, not faking it this time. It's been almost a week, i know that ain't much b-." she admitted with a small smile.

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