"Hey Chim! Stop playing around. I know you've got my wafers- oops sorry." She stopped abruptly as her eyes laid on the school team's captain, Jungkook, sitting on one of the benches.

She saw his teary eyes as he wiped them off as soon he saw her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to intrude. I was just looking for someone. I should go," she said backing away.

"You can stay," he said in a coarse voice. His watery eyes looked up to her. She cautiously went and sat beside him as he wiped his face yet again.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. Just going through a bit of a hard time, that's all," he barely whispered. She was taken aback that he didn't just ignore her. He was famous for being heartless and arrogant, not at all expressive.

Not knowing what to say, she pulled him into a warm hug but soon pulled away realising what she had done.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Her speech was interrupted when he pulled her back. She hugged him hesitantly, confused. He hated to be touched.



"Well done guys, pack up," the director claimed on the loudspeaker.

"So, Haru, from when you'll discontinue?" The director asked.

Her eyes widened listening to her director's note, "Why? Did I do something wrong?"

The older lady with a pixie haircut laughed at her innocence, "You think, you'll play the role of a high schooler with a baby bump?"

"Oh, ya, sorry," she bit her lower lip.

"Anyways, think and tell me, ok? We'll continue the shoot after that. Convey my greetings to Jungkook ."

She bowed to her once when a moment of deep panic set in her. You know, some passions become a part of who you are. They become etched into your being, your identity, and your sense of self. So once that passion fades, a moment of panic may set in. You may feel anxiety or deep depression at the thought of no longer doing that thing that once defined you.

She was in this thought when she saw one of the crew members approaching her. A gruff husky man with a grim visage. He wore a black shirt and grey pants as the proximity increased with each step.

"J- Jungkook?" She stuttered, the fine hair raising at the back of her neck. She took alternate steps backwards. The man was now standing in front of her.

"Ma'am Yoona is looking for you," the man said in a rough but polite tone.

"Stay away," she mumbled. The man gave her an intrigued expression, "miss, I think you got me wrong. I have been working here for the past one year!"

"Please don't come near me. Please leave me alone," tears prickled her eyes.

"Hey Haru, are you okay?" Yoona and Mia unanimously rushed to her.

Yoona slightly touched her arm to which she flinched furiously, "d-don't touch me, please... Please... Leave me... Please..." She panicked as she crumbled on the ground. The blood pounded in her ears. Her heart thudded in her chest. Her hands shook. Her feet tingled. Her vision was disfigured as if she were looking through a fish-eye lens. And no sooner, she lost her consciousness.


"Mr Jeon," the doctor came out of her ward and Jungkook responded instantly.

"Please follow me," she insisted and he complied.

Walking into the cabin, his heart thudded and he felt so nervous that he wanted to run away, but his trembling legs did not know where to. Haru was his home.

Sitting facing each other, the doctor pen down some medicines on the paper and then looked towards him.

"Both, Haru and the fetus is doing good." She said and he sighed in relief. He felt like the weight of the universe was unloaded from his chest.

"But, you need to be very careful. Panic attacks and fainting is common during pregnancy but as Miss Yoona described, the behaviour seems more aggrieved. Maybe some past events or some things are triggering her. This is very injurious to both - the mother and the baby. I have prescribed some medicines but this won't work till she's mentally calm. And tranquillizers are not advisable during this time. Please take care. She can be discharged."

He took the prescription from the doctor, once bowing down to express his gratefulness. As he came out of the cabin, he was instantly pushed against the wall, his collar in Jimin's tight grip. Jimin had his jaw clenched as he gave his younger an intimidating look.

"Jungkook, I warned you. Anything and you are dead meat," he pulled back his fist and launched it at his face with great strength, making his lower lip bleed.

"Jimin! Are you crazy?! This is a hospital," Yoona came rushing and separated the two men.

"And what's Kook's fault, he wasn't even there!" She protested while the victim spoke no words in his defence.

Jimin's fist clenched as he turned back around without giving any explanation to her.

Yoona glanced back at Jungkook once and mumbled a little sorry as she rushed behind Jimin.

He wiped off the blood oozing out of his lip and looked towards her frail figure sitting on the hospital bed through the glass pane. Mia sat beside her, mumbling some words to calm her down. But, she heard none, she just couldn't.

As Mia helped her stand and to the car, she hesitantly sat in the passenger seat and bade Mia farewell. He drove swiftly making sure, she wasn't uncomfortable.

As he parked in the gateway, he looked back at her. She was sound asleep. Her pencil-thin eyebrows eased down gently to her black, beetle's-leg eyelashes. A sculptor could not have fashioned her seraph's ears and pixie's nose any better. He was enchanted by her beauty and charm. He unbuckled her seat belt.

"Haru?" He called out. She moved her lips in sync as he moved a little in her place. He could have shaken her to make her get up, but he remembered it just loud and clear.

He wasn't supposed to touch her.

He took in a deep breath, as he got his hand to the other side of her car seat, pulling up the lever, making the seat fall back, slowly till she was lying flat on her back.

He turned on some mellow music, that he read was beneficial during pregnancy and it took him hours to make that playlist. Especially for her. He rushed in inside and brought a soft blanket and placed it over.

Though he wanted to stay by her side, but, he knew he couldn't. He sadly glanced at her once, fading into the corridors of his dull home.


A/N: Greetings! Another chapter.

Thank you so much to -TAELXVE-
for your effort in reviewing my story, I am really grateful for the same.

Thank you so much to -TAELXVE-for your effort in reviewing my story, I am really grateful for the same

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