17! Finally!

364 17 3

TW/CWs: Anxiety Attacks! woo!, Food, Eating Disorders, Scars

Ranboo was nervous, not like panic attack nervous but like really nervous. Ankiety, ifykyk right? 

So when he walked into this random strangers house who he was freinds? coworkers? acquaintances?- at this point he didn't know- Lets just go with friendly with, they were completely out of their element. His mask was soaked, hand there wasn't a replacement in sight. They didn't know if leaf had a mask or anything to cover his face near and they sure as hell wouldn't ask. 

"Hey Bossman, you good?" Tubbo brought him out of his depressing inner monolouge. "Yeah, Y-yeah, i am" They were not. 

Ranboo turned his attention back to Leaf who was seemingly waiting for the rest of the people with them to overcome the initial amount of shock that washed over them when they walked into Leafs house. 

"Uh, Yeah..." She laughed, her voice was light and giggly but you could just tell by her facial expressions that she was as anxious as Ranboo over here but nobody was really psychoanalyzing her at the moment.  "You sure?" Tubbo asked the taller by a foot and a bit. 

"mhm!" Ranboo strained out. Leaf and him wore both in the same boat at that moment.  Panicking but the will not to show it was way to strong to reach out express the extreme distress they both were feeling. Leaf led them through the house explaining what was where, the extents, rules, or rather lack of there of, and listing activities.

"Dude! that's such a cool picture!" Tubbo expressed as he pointed on a wall to see a piece of photography he's never seen before. It was of a few broken records, some snapped in half others in quarters with the sleeves scattered around on the ground too. It hurt their soul a little bit as they saw David Bowie and a few other classics but the records looked warped so he figured that they were broken before they whoever took the photo set them up.    

"Ranboo! Bigman! come play arcade games with me!" Tommy shouted at the older eccentric as ever. Ranboo wasn't to opposed to the suggestion so when Leaf said that they could stay up here while she showed the legal adults something- he was relieved to have an outlet for his stress.  There were so many games it felt almost illegal. Tommy was already hunched over a machine playing some retro game. They didn't need coins or any money to play so it was pretty much a free for all. Techno had come back into the room at some point but they didn't really pay any mind. 

He chose PacMan, a classic. "Tommy! i beat the high score!" He said within a few minutes of playing the game. "Dawwww, i cant believe boob person of all people beat me." he wined and stomped like a angry toddler. 

"Whats that supposed to mean? I'm perfectly capable of beating you!" And there was the break, he was back to his normal self. Ranboo finally relaxed with the familiar feeling of hanging out with Tommy.  He took a few deem breaths and suddenly there was much more clarity to everything around him. his sunglasses and still damp mask felt less suffocating. 

"Bossmans!" He heard Tubbo come out of somewhere(not the closet). He was with one of the newer of the groups, Tempus. Tempus was a pretty nice person, they were pretty tame and blunt, sarcastic too. 

"Y'ello!" They said a greeting, and sat in a nearby red (faux)leather couch to lay down. In that moment the people who went... somewhere? Ranboo didn't really know, all he know was that they disappeared farther into the house and returned with various bottles of what looked like alcohol. 

"Well, that's the end of the tour. We do have to figure out sleeping arrangements though" The tour guide commented. "I'm guessing Phil and Kristen would like to be together" He heard the girl say. He hoped he didn't have to share his room with anybody.

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