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TWS/CWS: anxiety. just a lot of anxiety and intrusive thoughts  

When the group of people got inside, they were greeted with a giant foyer. Leaf looked back at her friends when she didn't hear their footsteps anymore to see their jaws on the floor. Like, all of them, not that you could even see ranboo though. Speaking of their mask, it was all wet now because they forgot to bring their waterproof one so that couldn't be comfortable.    

Leaf sighed. It was always like this, she tried to think of the positives but she couldn't get the memories of her friends using her for her money out of her head. They loomed, ever-present, she didn't like them. 

dont listen to bruno. oh shut up sally, you know nothing. Stop being obsessed with luca sal. 

And there it went, Her anxiety was messing up again, bubbling inside of her, her voices were back she would definitely have a panic attack later. She took a deep breath and waited for her heart to calm down a bit from its rapid pace. 

Leaf waved her hand in-front of their faces to catch their attention, it didn't work the first few times but at least they were all active members of society now. 

"Uh, yeah," Leaf very awkwardly said because she was totally in control of the situation(she was not). "Lets start the tour shall we?"she announced in her very best game show host voice without her voice cracking. 

"Coming in, to the left you have your kitchen, feel free to cook whatever you want, just don't destroy anything please, or burn the house down," Because its happened before, one of her friends came in and trashed the place, causing a piece of napkin to catch the stove and a few things went up in flames. 

 "To the right your living room TV channels are on the little plastic thing in the coffee table, to the back there is the family room, board games for life in the closet in there" She said, walking through the expansion that was her house.

 She tried to zone out the voices behind her and kept walking, she didn't need to hear the conversations on how she was in the higher class. she didn't need to deal with this right now, maybe later but not right now. 

"Next to the family room is a half bathroom just in case you have a panic attack, speaking from experience" Leaf didn't say the last part, because nobody needed to know that, did they? "Down that hallway is the workout room, Full equipment, but that's not interesting." It was true, and she also just didn't want to go there for.. 


"outside there's a pool, racing track plus football field, the British kind, and tennis court if you want to get ripped in your one day stay of being here"  Leaf kept walking through her manor, listing the activities her new frie- coworkers could participate in if they wanted to. She turned a corner and opened a door, 

"Downstairs we have a man cave of some sorts" while she descended the stairs that led to a black abyss.  

"the home of Philza Minecraft" Leaf could hear Tommy whisper from afar, that messed her up a bit and she froze, she recovered though while the group snickered at Tommy's joke and flicked on a switch that controlled some RGB lights. 

"Uh, there's bowling alley, a movie theater and like a home arcade." she said and pointed to the various door ways. 

"all adults, come with me," some of the teens were occupied with the game machines, Ranboo was already playing a retro PacMan, Tommy was dong the same but on Space Invaders and tubbo? wait. where was tubbo, probably with Tempus somewhere? 

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