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(AN- Modelbusses just started playing- :0)

"Wilbur, Techno, Phil, This is Leaf, She/Her and Tempus They/them, Leaf Tempus, this is Wilbur He/Him Techno he/him and Phil he/him."

Tubbo was doing the task of introducing the two groups, All of the were nervous in what would happen when they met each other. Phil had noticed that Tempus was their server yesterday and so had Wilbur, Techno however wasn't paying attention during that period and instead had he was staring at the hand written menus in admiration.

"Nice to meet you guys" WIlbur smiled, Techno nodded in acknowledgement and Phil smiled fatherly like the father he is.

"Nice to meet you too" Leaf said.

For the rest of the day while Flo and her husband sorted out the expenses for the furniture and plates, the group of 9 headed down to the local park where they met up and dragged their luggage with them.

Leaf, who was a grandmother at heart took out a bunch of butterscotch hard candies and those strawberry candies, plopped them on the lawn of the park and sat down on the grass.

She unwrapped one with with one of her hands, then tossing another to Tubbo who sat with her.

"Favorite candy?" Leaf Asked opening her notes app.

"Dark Chocolate" Tubbo said, wondering if america had it, He herent really been to any stores since he came.

"You?" Leaf looked up to Ranboo who was staring at Tubbo in what she could only guess was offence and pain.

"Worms." Ranboo said."WIAT WAIT- PFTHA gummy worms sorry-" He talked quickly and then sat down on the grass taking one of the butterscotch after a bit of hesitation.

"hm' good choices" Leaf smiled at ranboo.

"Your both wrong'ens" Tommy said, sitting down as well and stealing one of the strawberry candies wrapped in its red foil.

"What candy of yours is so good anyways?"

"Sourpatches." Tommy deadpanned at Tubbo.

"Swedish Fish" Techno expressed, Also siting with the group and taking a strawberry candy.

"eW-" Tubbo said, more to Techno's statement than Tommy's.

"EW? YOU SAID D A R K CHOCOLATE, BRUHH" Technoblade trilled.

"right okay, i'm going to chime in before this gets any worse, uh,i like any candy, i'm just writing yours down so whenever i miss you guys can pick up the candy you like cause i'm just so heartfelt like that" Leaf said, looking at the group.

"AWWW" Tubbo said, not caring to decrease his volume. People on the footpath passing by gave him weird looks but kept walking.

"fuckin-"Tommy tried to curse leaf out but he also found the gesture adorable.

"yooooo, Thoughtful pog" was all that Techno said but but the way he said it Leaf could gagde that it was a genuine reaction.


"Awww, Look at themm" Kristen was cooing at the group in the grass who sat in front of them. "Look at the little guys"

"They are literally 15 through 22 mom" Wilbur said, also looking at the group.

"but the little shits act like children twenty four seven." Phil said with a snicker.

"They're precious!" Kristen put her hand on her heart in mock offence.





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