Chapter 8

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"Claire!" the voice sounded desperate as it got closer and closer. Suddenly she felt herself being shaken awake and when she opened her eyes, she saw Levi had been the one doing it.

"Claire! We have to go! Titans have breached Wall Maria! There are at least ten in the area. We have to hurry! Erwin is fighting them off, but I don't know how long he'll last. There are so many" Levi sounded petrified, causing Claire to wake up and obtain a better idea of what was going on. "Come on!" he yelled again.

Claire rubbed her eyes sleepily but stood to her feet as Levi pulled her up by her arm. Immediately after standing, she was dragged out by her hand into pouring rain.

"It's probably best if we try to climb the wall, but I don't know how we'll make it. You can't use the gear and Hanji is out of gas. I'm sure Erwin is getting close too"

"Hey, shhh" Claire shushed soothingly, pulling him to a stop and caressing his face with her hand, "We'll get through this. I promise"

"That's the thing, Kid. This is the one thing you can't promise me" He said, calming down slightly, but still panicked, "You can't promise me that nothing will happen because you don't know what the future holds"

"You're right, I can't predict the future. But I can tell you, that no matter what happens, I will always be with you" she replied before giving him a small kiss.

They stood for only another moment before Levi turned and began running once more.

"Let's go"

Together they ran through the pouring rain and in the direction of the wall. As soon as Claire had the chance to glance around her, she could see the hopelessness of the situation. It was just before dawn and they could barely see the sun starting to peek out, but in that little bit of sun light, she could see the Titans in full view. At that moment she wished nothing more than for it to be a dream so she could wake up and forget it all.

Two Titans began to approach them and at that exact second, she could see the rage in Levi's eyes.

"I will not loose another!" He cried at the top of his lungs before using his gear to lunge after them, leaving Claire behind on the ground. He quickly killed the first, causing it to fall over in a heap of evaporating flesh.

"Levi! Be careful!" Claire shouted as he began another spinning move which allowed him to get to the next Titan. Her heart was beating a million thumps a second as she watching him take down the other Titan. Now she understood why some had called him humanities strongest. He could do things some would try their entire life to achieve and still would not. As he landed to the ground, he grabbed her hand and they started running again.


"What is it? Is something wrong?"

"No! In case we don't make it through this, I wanted to let you know, I found out what the locket said!"

He looked back at her through the fog at her as they ran, "What did it say?"

She didn't get to answer. A Titan grabbed Levi, lifting him up into the air.

"Levi!" she shouted as he let go of her hand before being grabbed by one as well. She didn't scream. She knew it wouldn't help any. It's smiling face taunted her as if saying farewell in a creepy manner.

"Claire!" Levi called desperately, struggling to free his arm from the grip of the monstrous being so he could save Claire, but it wouldn't give and he found himself trapped in the hands of a flesh eating giant.

"Levi!" Claire shouted as the monster carried her to it's mouth, "I love you forever!" she shouted as the Titan place her in it's mouth.

"No! Don't break your promise!" he shouted back to her as tears began to form in his eyes, realizing that when she said that, she quoted the necklace. She wanted to tell him before she died and this fact ruined him.

"I'm sorry" she replied

Levi could do nothing but watch in horror as the monsters teeth slammed shut and swallowed the girl whole. He no longer cared that he was in fact being placed in another beings mouth, all that mattered to him was cutting off the head of the Titan who smiled back at him.

The grip around his body loosened and he felt himself falling to the floor. Nothing registered in his mind as the once strong hand he had been held by fell limp to the ground. Levi quickly ran after the smiling being, tears streaming down his face as he hastily killed the monster, allowing it to fall backwards to the ground. He then used his blades to cut open its stomach, not allowing the steam that came from it to be an obstacle. Levi quickly jumped inside. The red oozy liquid that burnt his skin cooled by the second allowing him to search through the mound of dead human bodies.

"Claire!" he shouted desperately, pulling bloody body off of bloody body, and missing limbs from missing limbs. As he pulled the severed head of what appeared to be a child off of the pile, he found her. Levi quickly picked her up and pulled her out of the mess that was the decomposing Titan, laying her on the ground.

"Claire!" he shouted, pushing her seared hair away from her face and out of her closed eyes, "Claire!"

Levi leaned down, bringing her chest to his ear. He listened for anything. Any sign of life that would let him know she was still alive, but nothing came. Her limp, lifeless form lay peacefully in his lap.

"Levi, we need to get up the wall" a voice said from behind him. Levi turned to see Erwin. He was covered in Titan blood and looked exhausted. He must have been the one to kill the Titan that had been holding him.

"No! I can't leave her!" he shouted before laying her down on the ground and beginning to preform CPR, pressing his palms to her chest and applying quick pressure.

"Levi, stop! That won't help anything!" Erwin yelled as Levi lifted her chin, plugged her nose, and began to push oxygen into her lungs.

Levi knew he was right. He knew he had just lost his best friend. "I can't loose her" he cried, denying the truth and laying his head down on her chest as he clutched her hand tightly.

After a moment, Mike walked over, picked up the dead body, and threw it over his shoulder.

"Come on, we don't have time for this" Mike stated, "Every second we're out here we risk getting caught by a Titan. Now stop this foolishness and come"

Levi dropped his head before nodding slightly and following the others. They ran to Wall Rose in silence. When reaching the wall, Erwin helped Hanji and Mike carried Claire's body. The days that came later were also silent as a small funeral was held in honor of Claire Durant, and Levi went through the things she had left behind.


Don't hate me, but this was my intention from the start. I know it's really sad, but it has good meaning, plus Levi need this in order to find something else out. Anyway, don't drop the story yet, there are still more chapters. :)

How'd I do? Let me know in the comments or simply by voting for the story.


If you could live in the AOT/SNK world, would you?

My Answer?

Probably not. I mean, yes, I'd get to see my favorite people on earth (well not this earth), but I'd also think I'd be one of those who'd chicken out at the stupidest of things.

Your Answer? Leave it in the comments!

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