Chapter 3

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Konnichi wa mina-san! Thank you so much for coming back yet again! It makes me so happy to know you enjoy the story! Well, what are you waiting for? Get to reading already!

Oh yes! I forgot to say, in my story, Hanji is female. I know technically he/she doesn't have a written gender, but oh well! I like it this way.

(Word Bank: Heichou=Captain)

Claire didn't leave her room after what happened with Levi. She didn't feel it necessary. Hanji came for her later that evening, before escorting her to the mess hall.

"There are quite a few rumors going around" Hanji stated as they walked, her arms crossed and behind her head making her elbows stick out above her like antlers or horns.

"I'd be more surprised if there weren't" Claire replied, looking over at the red head, "If you don't mind me asking, what kind of rumors?"

Hanji sighed almost as if it jogged her memory, "One was that you two are siblings, although I don't know how that one got started. You two look nothing alike. Another is that you were married before Levi-heichou joined the Scouts. I think the funniest one is where you're his daughter"

Claire couldn't help but giggle at the bizarre things people could make up, "Those sure are something. Do you believe them?"

"I'm not sure. I don't think the two of you are just friends. You guys seem closer than that, however I don't think you guys are related either. You and Levi look and act nothing alike. The one I'm leaning closest to is the married before he joined the Corps" she replied honestly.

"We weren't married, he never courted me, nor I, him. I'm not sure what we were when he left. It certainly wasn't just friends, but we hadn't yet reached an actual relationship" she explained.

"I see" she replied, "I know it's not my place, but did you love him?" she asked, glancing over at her with a curious look.

"I do. He was and still is my best friend. I remember when we were younger, he'd come to my house and we'd sit in the garden, it was magnificent, spending that time with him"

The two came to a stop as they reached the room. Hanji opened the door and allowed Claire to walk through. Claire walked into the room, spotting Levi with several other Scouts and walking over to him. She smiled before taking a seat beside him.

"Good evening" she greeted to those at the table. She recognized a few of them as Erwin Smith, Mike Zacharius, and lastly Hanji Zoe who sat down across from her.

"Good evening" a few replied.

After a few minutes, one of the younger, newer scouts had kindly brought her a tray of food to eat. She thanked him before beginning to eat her soup.

"What are you doing, Brat?" Levi asked coldly after a few minutes. By the sound in his voice, most would think he was aggravated and annoyed, but Claire knew him better than that, knowing he meant it as a, I don't want to talk right now.

"Levi-heichou, she came all the way to see you here, you should at least be a little nicer" Hanji scolded to which Levi scoffed.

"Tch. I didn't ask her to come. And last I checked, you weren't in charge of telling me what to do"

"Levi, don't get mad at her for defending me" Claire said calmly, "After all, if anything, I should be defending myself" she cleared her voice, "Levi, don't call me Brat. You are no longer allowed to undermined me. I'm not that much younger than you"

"What?!" Hanji exclaimed, interrupting her scolding, "You're almost as old as this oldie?"

"How old did he tell you he was?" Claire asked, looking over at him.

"He hasn't, we just assumed that he must be at least fifty with how dull he is. I mean, his favorite thing is dusting"

"Well actually you're wrong twice. I don't believe he's even reached the age of thirty yet, and his favorite thing is window wiping, not dusting" Claire corrected. She remembered how he said he liked when they became clear enough to see his reflection. That reminded him that he was still, in fact, human. Out of the seven people that sat at the table, four were staring at her intently. Two were off in their own conversation and one was herself. Even Levi had turned to give her a questioning glance.

"What?" she asked after a moment.

"I can't believe you remembered that" Levi stated before turning back to his cup.

"What, that you're barely older than me or that you enjoy washing windows?"

"Both" he replied with a scoff.

"Am I not allowed to remember things? The night you told me was the same night we-" she couldn't complete her sentence, Levi had slapped his hand over her mouth, keeping her from speaking. When she looked over at him, she saw the demonic glare directed at her as well as the faintest of blushes rising on his cheeks. Others may not have noticed it in the dim light, but she could.

He removed his hand after a minute and returned to his drink.

"As I was saying" she teased him further, "That night was very mem-"

Again his hand covered her mouth, "One more word and I'll personally gag you for the rest of your stay. Got it?" he seemed serious. Claire always disliked that side of him.

She nodded her head and dropped her gaze as he dropped his hand. The three Scouts that sat at the table with them were staring intently. Did she really just imply that?! By Levi's reaction they could tell it was true. It was hard to keep a straight face at that, but with Claire at risk of being harmed, they said nothing about it.

"Claire, what's it like? Living in Sina, I mean" Mike asked after a while of awkward silence.

Immediately Claire was brought out of her insecure, sorrowful state and into her usual bubbly, bright self.

"It's extravagant! Everyone there lives in fancy homes and wears fancy clothing and speaks in a fancy way. I noticed I had picked it up after only being there for a few short days" she said with a giggle, remembering how Levi had noticed it as well.

"Wait, few short days? Are you not originally from there?" Hanji budded in

"Oh, no" Claire replied, waving a hand in dismissal of the idea, "I was an orphan, you see. My Ma-ma and Papa adopted me shortly after I turned thirteen. Oh, I still remember the day I got there. The house was a hundred times more extravagant than the orphanage outside Shinganshina"

"Wow! So a citizen of wall Rose at heart, yet a resident of Sina! That would be an amazing experience" Hanji shouted in a loud voice.

"Shut up, you're making my ears hurt" Levi scolded Hanji who immediately settled down.

"Yes, it was a fine experience" Claire responded, ignoring Levi. She giggled before continuing, "Levi's reaction to me telling him is one I'll never forget, though"

Levi sighed, standing up, "While you listen to pointless stories of the past, I think I'll go to bed" he announced before leaving.

Claire's smile dimmed as she watched the man she loved disappear behind another door.


Okay, okay. I know this one is nearly half of my usual chapter, but it's only because the next chapter makes up for it. Trust me, you'll see.

Anyway, what'd you think? How'd I do? Tell me in the comments or give me a silent message by hitting the like button! :D


Do you prefer anime or manga? Why?

My answer:

I prefer anime. I mean, sure, I like manga just as much, but the anime gives me a better view of what's happening and what's going on around them, if you know what I mean. ;) That plus I can get into it better.

Your answer? Leave it in the comments!

Attack on Titan: Broken Promises (Levi X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant