Chapter 7

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After lunch the five set out on horses, riding towards Shinganshina. They had been on the opposite side of Wall Maria so the trip was expected to take a while. Erwin rode in front with Hanji and Mike in the middle and Levi and Claire in the back. It was a simple mission to pick up some reports the Garrison had for them.

"You're not still mad at me, are you?" Claire asked Levi, raising her voice to be heard through the wind, the sound of their gear, and the trotting of horses.

"No" he replied plainly.

"You sound as if you are" she stated, worried about his tone.

"I'm not mad at you. It's more myself. I knew to some extent that there was caffeine in tea, but I didn't think to look into it and assume the caffeine might stun growth"

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't told you that, you could have grown taller"

"It doesn't matter. I told you, as long as I'm still taller than you, it won't matter"

Claire smiled. Even though it was only his height they were talking about, it was a sweet comment to say he didn't care if he never grew again as long as he still had the height between them bonding them together.

After a while longer of riding, Erwin had them stop to take a break and give the horses water.

"Levi?" Claire called, coming close to him.

"What is it?"

"I-uh- I have to use the bathroom" she whispered in his ear.

"No one is watching, go on. Be careful" he replied dully.

She smiled. She was afraid he would've told her to hold it. Claire began to walk farther in to the forest, excitement welling up inside her. She had always wanted to try this, but the time never came.

Levi watched in which direction she went in case she got lost and he would have to go find her. Several minutes passed and Levi began to worry. Did a bear get her? Did she dig a hole too deep and fall in? Was she hurt, or just constipated?

"Erwin, I'm going to go get Claire, I'll be back momentarily" Levi told the elder.

"Take Hanji with you, send her back to report what happened"

Levi nodded and the two of them walked into the forest in the direction Claire had gone.

"Claire!" Hanji called after walking for a short time. It wasn't until Levi saw Claire's necklace, laying on the ground that he slapped a hand over her mouth to silence her.

"Thugs. Stay quiet" Levi ordered, picking up the locket, that looked like it had been ripped off of her fragile neck, and looking around for any other evidence. A small scrap of pink silk caught his attention when he walked closer. He carefully placed the necklace in his pocket before continuing.

"Hanji, go report the situation to Erwin, I'm going after them and will be back soon. If I'm not back in five minutes, come after me" Levi ordered before enabling his 3DM gear and flying off into the trees. Hanji called after him once before retreating. He knew he'd be able to see better from there and had a better chance of spotting them. He finally came upon a small, makeshift camp. Levi took count of the enemy before scratching a plan. There were at least seven of them. He was sure Claire was either in one of the tents or in the wagon, probably the later. He would have to be quick and precise if he wanted to get her away without injury.

Claire thrashed around on her back inside the sealed wagon. Her hands were tied and she'd been gagged and blindfolded, but that didn't exhaust her fiery spirit.

"Stop moving" one of the men ordered before kicking her hard in the stomach. Tears brimmed in her eyes at the thought of never being free again. At the thought of loosing the life she loved. At the thought of Levi when she was gone.

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