Chapter 6

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Wow. This one is nearly 1,000 words longer than my usual story. That's pretty good, don't ya think? I really liked writing this one. The characters become more vivid and it excites me in a way. XD

Claire awoke early the next morning. She yawned as she stretched out her tired limbs. It was earlier than she'd usually wake, but today would be much more interesting than most. Last night, Erwin had informed her of an expedition the four higher ups were going on. She had planned to ride along with them. Claire got dressed quickly, picking out a long, flowy dress that was pink tinted. It was simple and would be easiest to ride a horse in. She slid on her boots and laced them up around her thin ankles. Finally she clasped her locket around her neck and walked out of the bedroom.

She walked down to the mess hall, remembering the way from last night when Hanji had taken her. As she entered, she spotted Levi sitting alone at the same table as the night before. She sat down across from him, smiling cheerfully at the stoic man as he read through his papers.

"Good morning, Levi" she greeted.

"Morning" he responded, looking through the papers he had in one hand and taking a drink from the cup of black tea in his other.

"Multitasking this early in the morning is not very good" she teased, pulling his papers down to the table. He looked at her with bored eyes, although, behind those were curious eyes, wishing to know what the person in front of them intended to do next.

"I'm sorry for last night, I understand now that you'd like to keep your past a secret to the others" she apologized, grabbing his hand.

"Brat, you don't need to apologize, you did nothing wrong. I hadn't told you not to, so there's no way you could have known" Levi said, pulling his hand away and setting down his cup as well.

"Well, you two love birds sure are up early" Hanji exclaimed when she walked into the room and sat down at the table.

"Hanji, shut your mouth before I do it for you" Levi rebuked, picking his papers back up.

Erwin and Mike soon joined them, bringing a basket of loaves for everyone.

Claire, Hanji, Mike, and Erwin all picked up their own loaf and began eating. Claire stared at Levi for a few moments, waiting for him to eat as well, but he didn't and this caused Claire to worry.

"Levi, don't tell me you're not eating again. You know I worry when you skip meals. It's not healthy" Claire chided before picking up a loaf and throwing it at him. It hit his head once before falling into his lap, causing the others to try their hardest to keep from laughing at the action. Levi picked up the loaf and set it on the table before going back to his papers. Claire grumbled to herself before picking up another and throwing it at him again. This time, however, Levi expected it and caught it in his hand.

"We're already in a food shortage, please don't continue to waste perfectly good food" Levi stated indifferently, setting down the bread and going back to his papers.

"Please, Levi, ten entire years have deceased since I last encountered you, would you kindly store the paper work and pay attention to me, if only for the present"

Levi sighed, he knew she was right, but he also knew what he had told her the day before about not being able to get close again. Giving in, he set the paper work down on the table and turned his attention to the petite girl. "Well?" he asked, waving his hand in a continuing motion.

"Eat a loaf, Levi" she said, picking up one she had thrown at him and handing to him, a bright, cheerful smile plastered across her face at the knowledge that she had come out triumphant in this battle.

Attack on Titan: Broken Promises (Levi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now