Chapter 4

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Hello everyone! Thank you for coming back for more, it means so much to me! Now what am I doing, keeping you from the story? Get to reading!

Fifteen years prior.....Year 829.....Thirteen year old Claire

Claire and Levi walked down the streets inside of Wall Maria just outside of the Shinganshina district. Levi had picked her up two hours prior and they had been walking around since.

"Levi, when I get older, can I live with you in the underground?" Claire asked as they walked past a group of children playing in the sand.

"No" he stated bluntly.

"What? Why not?"

"Because you're going to get adopted, and it's not fair if your parents always have to worry about you getting hurt"

Claire giggled, she knew that was his way of saying he didn't want her to get hurt.

"Levi, I'm thirteen years old. I'm not going to be adopted any time soon. If at all"

"Your sister was adopted and she was just barely younger than you now"

"So, she is a lot prettier than I am. She has darker eyes and her hair a lot shorter, where as, I'm stuck with this long ugly brown hair"

"Don't say that. I happen to like your long hair, I mean, I know my opinion probably doesn't matter much, but it's pretty" Levi stated slightly awkwardly, grabbing a lock of her hair and twirling it in his fingers.

Claire looked down, trying her best to hide the blush that crept up on her cheeks.

"Thank you"

"What for?"

"For knowing what to say and how to make me feel better" Claire replied, looking back up at him, the rosy color beginning to dim from her cheeks.

"I was only stating the truth. Besides, I should probably get you back now. They'll be serving dinner soon"

"You should stay and eat with us" Claire suggested as he lead the way to walk back to the orphanage that was located right outside of the Trost district, "I'm sure Mrs. Porter would love to see you again. It's been months since you last stayed for dinner"

"No, I'll only drop you off. I don't belong there"

"Why not?"

"Because unlike them, I'm a criminal"

"But you're an orphan, Levi"

"Kid, there's a difference between being pushed away and running away"


"Let's drop the subject. I don't want you to be sad"

Claire nodded lightly, a hand reaching up and drying the small tears.

As they approached the tall building, Levi said goodbye and left Claire to walk in by herself. She walked in and was immediately greeted by Mrs. Porter.

"Claire! I have wonderful news!" she cried

"What is it?" Claire asked timidly.

"You've been adopted!"

"B-but, I haven't met any couples in nearly two months"

"I know, they came by earlier looking for a specific person. They didn't need to meet you. I don't know how to say this completely. It will take a lot of explaining"

Attack on Titan: Broken Promises (Levi X OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin