"That's the point," Ross said, a smile on his own lips as he looked at his blind best friend desperately trying to have soup like a normal person.

"Just drink it Josh, no one's here to make fun of you."

Josh grumbled something incoherent but put his spoon down.

Josh's mom walked onto the set from what was supposed to be the living room.

Ross looked up as Josh continued to drink his soup.

"Ross, your mom called. Something's wrong at the hospital." She said, and Ross was up in a flash. He raced out of the shot, black denim jacket billowing behind him.

"And that's a rap!" The director yelled, signalling for everyone to clean up the set and have a break.

Michael and I found ourselves over at the small buffet table automatically.

"What scene are we filming next?" I ask, biting into a powdered donut.

"The one where Josh walks into the hospital room to find Ross and Sylvia making out." Michael answered, scrunching his nose ever so slightly. He drank some coffee and patted me on the back.

"You good to go?" He asked.

I nod and Michael heads off to make up with me right behind him.

In this scene I was supposed to look like a clean bill of health and Michael was supposed to look like the opposite.

"Quiet on set!" The director yelled, counting down from three on his fingers before pointing at the two in the hospital room.

"Ross. Ross! You listen to me!" Sylvia said, grabbing Ross's chin so he would be forced to look her in the eyes.

"You go out there when I'm good and gone, and you find someone! Don't be hung up over me. There are plenty of girls out there that would be happy to have a guy like you." Sylvia ranted, eyes growing wet with unshed tears.

"But Sylvia-" Ross began, voice distraught as he looked down at her.

"I don't want to hear it." She snapped, removing her hand from his face and crossing her arms.

"But Sylvia! I love you!" Ross shouted, standing up from his chair and gripping her hand between both of his.

"Oh Ross." Sylvia said.

"Oh Sylvia."

"Oh Ross."

"Oh Sylvia, oh Ross, oh Sylvia!" I mocked, using my hands as puppets and over exaggerating each line and gesture.

The director held up his hand calmly, watching the scene intently but signalling for me to be ready.

I roughened myself up a bit and allowed one of the stylists to mess up my hair.

The director pointed toward me.

Josh burst into the room and stumbled, dropping his walking stick. He was huffing as he came to a stop.

Sylvia and Ross, who were both on the hospital bed and passionately making out seconds before, looked at him wide eyed.

"This better be something important Joshua." Ross snapped, climbing off Sylvia and sitting down in the chair beside the bed.

"You were not just making out with Sylvia on the bed." Josh said incredulously, with a hint of anger.

"Get on with it." Ross said, ready to get rid of him as quickly as possible.

"Dude, don't give me that attitude. Your mom got in a fucking car crash and you're making out with your girlfriend." Josh snapped, shaking his head as he searched for his stick so he could get out of there.

"What?" Ross said, up and out of the chair in no time.

He was shoving Josh out of the door and into the hall.

"What did you say about my mom?" He asked, even though he knew exactly what Josh said.

"She was in a head on collision with a drunk driver." Josh said, sympathy heavy in his voice.

"Where is she?" Ross asked, already storming down the hall. Josh followed behind colliding and bumping into people.

"She's in surgery!" Josh yelled, knowing his best friend had left him behind.

"Cut!" The director yelled as Michael reappeared from around the corner.

"What a dick move, leaving your blind friend behind like that." Calum scoffed at Michael, who raised an eyebrow.

[A/N: Have you guys seen the other acting fic? It's Lashton and it's honestly so great. They are characters in a hit TV show and Ashton is the new character and ugh, it's just fantastic.

Anyway, if you want to read it (I would recommend you do) it's called Actors and it's by Basorexic and yeah...

Have a nice day x]

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