Chapter 1

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You're selfish, didn't you know? You want something you can't have. You take but you don't give. You make promises you can't keep.

Year 845

Claire bubbled with excitement as the carriage rocked back and forth on its way to the Scouting Regiment's headquarters. She was so close yet so far away. Her best friend was waiting for her, whether he knew it or not. It had been nearly ten years since she last saw him, and the idea of seeing him again made her stomach churn. "Would he still want to see her? Would he be mad of her coming here? Why had he hidden from her?" these were the thoughts that raced though her mind. He had simply up and left one day and she hadn't heard from him since.

Her traveling there had to do with an important piece of information he would obtain. It was up to him to do what he thought best after learning about it.

Claire felt her heart skip a beat as the carriage came to a stop. Reaching over and pulling back the curtain just enough for her to be able to peer out, she could see the massive building. She felt like she had when she had gotten adopted, she felt like she had when she first met Levi. Taking a deep breath in hopes to calm her nerves, she turned as the door to her right opened. A gloved hand reached in and she found herself being escorted out of the cart.

"Miss Claire, you look astounding" Barrett told her, glancing at her stunning dress.

The pearly dress went to the floor with a Victorian blouse, that fit snugly to her short, petite figure. Lace ruffles that lined the edges of the fabric. It's ivory color went nicely with her long ash brown hair that hung in loose curls at her shoulders. Her feet were covered by off-white flats and around her neck lay a copper locket with the letter L written in calligraphy.

"Barrett, you flatter me" she replied, taking his hand and stepping out of the carriage.

"No ma'am. I only say what is true" he stated, letting go of her hand as she strode down. He closed the small door and held out his hand to guide her in.

"Well, then thank you" she replied sincerely, laying her hand gently into his and lifting the corner of her dress with the other to allow her to walk more freely.

Barrett lead her forward as they strode towards the large castle.

Three weeks ago Clair had received a note telling her that the man she had been looking for had been found. Ever since he had left without warning, she had been yearning for him. Nearly ten years had gone by and she had been certain he would either never be found or he had died by the hands of a Titan. And the MIA card she had received after a few months told her it was true. But hope came in the form of a note! The note had spoken of a man who went by the name Levi Rivaille and was captain of his own squad in the Scout Regiment. Although the note had said that the possibility of it really being him was slim, she was filled with the hope of any naïve girl.

"Come on, Barrett!" she shouted to the tall man as she let go of his hand and promptly took off running. At Barrett's old age, he found it irresponsible to run along with her and therefore stayed back walking a steady pace. She was much younger than him, nearly half his age as she had recently turned twenty-eight. Although she always complained that she was aging too quickly, she was very spirited and had the heart and mind of a young girl.

As Claire approached the large establishment, a man stepped out the door, greeting her there.

"Ah, you must be Claire Durant. I received your letter" he stated. He was tall. At least a foot taller than the tiny girl who had only reached 150 centimeters. His blonde hair was neat and in the form of an undercut. His eyebrows, however, were the things that caught her attention. They were large and hid so much. It was like all of the struggles he'd been through had been kept secret by them. Like they couldn't show emotion.

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