And They Were Roommates

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Izuku POV

I quickly made my way to where I and Himiko first met to find a still-active crime scene. I walked up to one of the officers and asked "Um officer, what's happening here?" 

The officer calmly explained that a man was killed and drained of blood in this alley. Police are still looking for clues but haven't found anything. "It's like they're ghosts or something," the officer said, "No DNA ,finger prints, or eyewitnesses. We have nothing to look for." I walked away trying not to think about the alley and what happened in it any more than I have to. 

The police are investigating a person I watched die in that alley. The person who's the killer I'm going to meet. What an amazing hero I am. 

Knowing that the alley where we first met was covered in the police I sent a quick message to Himiko telling her to meet me at a nearby cafe. While I walked I continued to think about what happened to my life. 

Born quirkless to the number 1 hero. Neglected by my parents and forced to fend for myself. Bullied daily by my sister and my once best friend. Walked around in the pitch black night, trying to find a place where I belong. Only to be told I'm unfit to be a hero by my idol on the same day I was told to kill myself by my sister. Later learning that the man I idolized was the same man who neglected me in favor of my sister. 

Going out on one final night walk to clear my head after the day that broke me. Only to be attacked by a vampire I was trying to help. In my last moments of life I gave up believing that no one would miss me only to wake up once more as a monster of the night. Leaving home to one day meet another of my kind. One who, unlike me, is okay with killing. Getting into UA and now I'm going to not only meet her, but invite her to live in my house with me. The old me would be disgusted at the very idea of inviting a killer into my house. My life has really gone down the drain hasn't it? 

I got to the cafe, found a seat, and began to wait for Himiko to show up. Not too long later she entered and sat in the seat across from me. "Hi Izu-kun!" 

"Hey Himi," I said lazily. "Ready to go?" 

"Yup!" she said with her usual high energy. How she's always this high energy I'll never know. 

We left the cafe and began our walk to my apartment. It's a small place, my bed's literally in the same room as my kitchen, but it should be fine. Neither of us really need to sleep anyway so that shouldn't be a problem. 

As we walked I decided to ask a question that had been on my mind for a while. "Hey Himiko?" I asked. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, waiting for me to go on. "Why did you need a place to stay? Did something happen?" 

"Oh, I was staying at a abandoned apartment complex until it was burned down after Endeavor fought a villain nearby. I just need a place to stay during the day. At least until I can find a new place to stay," she explained. 

"Well I don't mind you staying at my place. Just please make sure no one follows you back. I don't need police coming to my home." 

"You don't have anything to worry about. You don't live as long as I do without being good at avoiding authorities." 

We made our way until we were at my apartment and I let her in. By the time we got there the sun already went down. I gave her my spare key telling her to be careful and be safe before going opening the window and leaping out to go and find some blood to last me through tomorrow. 


Himiko and I came home after our nightly feedings at the same time. I changed and got ready for school and left. I'm not entirely sure if I should trust Himiko. I know she's a killer but she's also a vampire. I just have to trust her and hope for the best, one vampire to another. She's helped me a lot before so I'm going to give her a chance. 

A/N: Hope you enjoyed. 

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