The Monster Escapes Its Cage

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Izuku POV

I'd spent the last few months as a vigilante. The media had given me the name "Dracula." It seemed fitting. In my time as a vigilante, I gained a better understanding of my new quirk and its inherent strengths and weaknesses. I have overall better senses. I could see in the dark and smell blood from a long distance. Not to mention my hearing was impressive too. My strength and speed were the first abilities I used. The power they gave was intense, but using them too much made me feel thirsty.

I learned of my other abilities over time. Izumi threw a rock at me that scraped my arm. By the next period, I couldn't feel it anymore despite knowing I was at least bleeding. I counted enhanced regeneration onto the list. It now made sense why when I woke up I was completely healed. The one downside to this is that my regeneration gave up working in the sun. In fact, it did the opposite. Instead of cuts scabbing over soon, they stayed open. It's obvious the sun completely stops all regeneration. Not only that, but I always felt tired during the day. Like the sun was sapping my energy away.

Then there were the other problems. Silver burns to touch, and even looking at it hurts my eyes. It looks like it has an unnatural brightness to it. Garlic was something different entirely. Even smelling it was enough for me to feel like throwing up. The one time I tried to force it down I ended up in the bathroom and threw up a bunch of half-digested blood into the toilet and ended up holding myself back from going for my classmates' throats. I'm never going to do that again. Then there was the issue of fire. Burns took longer to heal than regular attacks. Not as long as silver, but still noticeably long.

I've been working at night for months and, despite rarely sleeping, I feel like I'm fully awake. I only feel even remotely tired when out in the sun. Everything is going well, I don't care about what's going on with Izumi or her friends anymore, it doesn't matter to me. They can't hurt me, not for long at least.

Though there are some problems I've been noticing at home. Mainly my father. His injury won't stop bleeding. Though it does give me a constant supply of blood every time he coughs, I can't focus when he's home. He smells like a well-cooked meal as my eyes change red and my fangs start to come out. I've had to hold myself back multiple times from draining the life out of him.

So I've decided to leave. It's not like I'll be missed. Izumi would probably notice I'm gone though, she's used me as a training dummy for so long that I doubt she wouldn't notice if I left. I know I'll be able to survive on my own, all I need to survive is blood and I shouldn't have to go out in the day anyway.

When the sun started to rise I packed everything I needed, which was only a sleeping bag and some stolen money from my parents. I took ¥40000, more than enough to buy anything I might need, and left at the same time I usually would for school. I had no real idea where I would go, but I knew it would be better than being here and having to hide what I am. Walking around at 6 am was a bit odd though. People in the area knew who I was, the weak quirkless kid who got bullied by everyone at Aldera, so they knew I wasn't heading to school. No one tried to stop me though.

I got out of the area by my house to where no one would recognize me and I went to the place I scoped out last night. An unowned warehouse that was still in somewhat good condition. If I had more time to find a better place I'd get one, but for now this was fine. When I got there I set up my sleeping bag and got in. It's not like I'd get much done in the way of food during the day.

Izumi POV

Today was weird, Izuku wasn't here today. He's always here, even when he's sick. Maybe mom and dad know why he's not here today. When the day ended I went home and asked them, they looked surprised for a moment then explained they didn't know where he was. We started to get worried so we went into his room and what we found shocked us. The room was empty... completely empty!

Izuku nor any of his things were anywhere to be found. Did he run away!? Dad quickly called one of his police friends and asked them to come over. He was here in less than ten minutes and started asking questions. I volunteered to go first. He took out a voice recorder and started the interview.

"This is detective Naomasa Tsukauchi of Musutafu police here with the Yagi family. Ms. Izumi, when did you realize Izuku was missing?"

I answered with "I first noticed he was missing when he didn't show up for school today."

"Would that be out of the ordinary?"

"Yes. For as long as I can remember Izuku never missed a day of school, he always went even when he was sick."

"Okay, so what did you do then?"

"After school ended I went home and asked mom and dad if they knew where he was, but they didn't know. We went to check his room and found the room empty. He'd taken everything and left."

"Okay and now I'll ask you Mr. and Ms. Yagi do you know when Izuku went missing?"

Mom took the lead and said, "No, we don't."

"How did you not notice when your son didn't leave for school today?"

"He always leaves before everyone else wakes up," dad explained. The detective raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything about it.

"So you just let your son go to school on his own, and never tried to tell him to wait for you to wake up at least?"

"Izuku is very independent," mom stated, nervously. The detective seemed confused for a moment before a look of realization came over him.

"When was the last time you talked to your son about what's going on at school?"

"Um, Naomasa," Dad questioned "What does this have to do with finding Izuku?" he asked as we all started sweating nervously, for different reasons. I was nervous because what if mom and dad figured out what I was doing to Izuku.

"I'm simply asking to determine what reason he decided to run away."

"Well I can't say for sure, but it has been for a while," dad explained nervously.

"How long would you say?" Naomosa asked, seeming to get more agitated by the minute.

" I don't know. It's been maybe a week since I last talked to him," he said, sweating bullets.

"Toshinori, you know what my quirk is right?" the detective asked, obviously angry.


"So tell me why you're lying to me!" What? Dad was lying? Didn't he talk to Izuku every now and then? "So now you're going to explain everything to me."

With that mom and dad explained everything about how they've been neglecting Izuku! How did I not realize? When he turned to me, I crumpled and explained everything. I explained how I was bullying him with the Bakugou kids. Mom and dad looked at me disappointed but I didn't care. They were not innocent either and I made this clear to them, to which they looked down.

The detective looked exasperated and disappointed. He explained that since Izuku ran away he'd have to send out a missing person report and he'd have to talk to the Bakugou family soon.

I stopped listening after that, spending the rest of the time thinking to myself and asking myself questions. Why did this start? It started because Izuku wanted to be a hero despite being quirkless. I wanted to get him to quit and Katsuki suggested bullying him and I was stupid enough to go along with the plan. How didn't I notice he was being neglected? I didn't notice because I was too focused on myself and my new preparations for One For All. Why didn't I stop myself and the others before? I don't know. Maybe I enjoyed it, maybe I was just an idiot moving through the motions. Maybe I'm just a villain.

I need to apologize. I might never get his forgiveness but I need to try. Izuku's the nicest person I know, he deserves One For All instead of me. When I meet him again I'll give him the quirk. He deserves to be a hero.

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