Death is Only a New Beginning

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After years with the Yagi's, a 14-year-old Izuku is just tired. He'd made a habit of going out at night, it was fun. Being able to leave his room without the worry of running into his sister or any of her friends. He'd done this for years and knew the area like the back of his hand. What areas to avoid, places to hide, and people you could trust. He'd done this so long that the darkness had become his home more than his actual home.

That all changed one night when he ran into something that would change his "life" forever. A man had been laying on the ground, he looked either hurt or drunk, Izuku was about to walk right past him when the man called for help. Izuku was tempted to just walk away and leave the man in the alley but his old hero aspirations rose up inside him. Izuku knew he could never be a hero, but maybe like this, he could help people.

"Hello sir?" he questioned. "Do you need help with anything?"

"Oh thank you, young man," the man on the ground said. He rose from his seat on the ground and Izuku felt what can only be described as primal terror. The feeling of knowing you're looking at an apex predator. That fear rooted him in his spot as the man rose to tower over the young boy, glowing ruby eyes staring into his soul.

In a moment, too fast for the young boy to see, the man had bitten into the young boy's neck. He broke out of whatever froze him before and attacked in return, though it wasn't as if it did anything. It didn't look like the man even recognized Izuku was attacking him. In a last-ditch effort, he took out the knife he got because of how often he almost got killed or mugged and started stabbing. It was about as effective as punching him was. Without any more options, he moved his hand and aimed for the face. Without looking away from where he was feeding his hand was scratched by the man's claws.

Izuku felt his life draining from his body, the darkness creeping into his vision, the cold seeping into his bones. Was he going to die? Three memories came to him clear as day; his sister's suicide taunts from just yesterday, All Might telling him to give up his dreams and learning the truth about who All Might really was, his father. Those were the same thoughts that drove him to leave home in an attempt to clear his head. Now, they're the thoughts that comforted him as he died, no one would miss him, no one would search for him, he'd never be a bother again.

With those thoughts as a comfort, he closed his eyes and let the darkness consume him. After all, the darkness was his home.

With a sudden shock, Izuku woke up, at home, in his bed. Was last night just a dream? He looked at his hand and saw no scar. That's so weird, he vividly remembered being scratched by the man. Being bitten, feeling the life drain from him, was it really just a dream? Looking around his room he spotted his clock, it was 6 am. Sighing, Izuku put on his school uniform and went downstairs to eat breakfast before anyone woke up. He needed to be ready to leave before Izumi woke up, otherwise, he'd be forced to go with her and her friends. That always ended up with him being beaten.

While he was eating he noticed the cereal had no taste, just cold and crunchy. Even after eating it, he was still thirsty and cold. He's probably sick. Whatever he'll be fine soon enough he'd made it through the school day with worse. He didn't want his parents to think he was skipping school.

The school day went normal, he'd gotten used to being beaten by Izumi and her friends. The only annoying thing about the day was his hunger. By the end of the day he was starving.

It was around lunchtime when he realized something might be wrong. He'd been almost disgusted by the blandness of the food, and today the school served katsudon! Though it really got bad when Izumi messed with his food and for a moment Izuku thought "You'd be a great meal."

While walking home from school he contemplated what happened. Why was he still so thirsty? He'd eaten breakfast and some of his lunch today and what was with that thought about Izumi, he hated her but he didn't want to eat her. What's happening to him?

After some time Izuku made his way home, long after Izumi had left for her training with da- All Might. Sitting in his room he couldn't think about anything other than his thirst. Lost in his thoughts he only came back to full attention when he smelled something delicious. Walking downstairs he didn't see Inko cooking anything, the only thing he saw was his father, and how delicious he smelled. He could pinpoint the smell to one section of his body, where his injury was.

Izuku realized where his thoughts were going and quickly ran back to his room, anything to distance himself from his meal. FATHER! Oh, god he needs to get out of here. Jumping out the window it took Izuku a while to realize it was dark out. Since when was the night so clear?

Izuku pulled his hood up, anything to help with the cold, as he walked. While he walked he heard something, it sounded like a wounded animal. Walking towards it he saw a dog, it was cut and bleeding out. Someone killed it, for what reason.

Without thinking Izuku walked towards the wounded animal, opening his mouth he bit down and DRANK. Within a few gulps, Izuku could feel the thirst dissipating. It wasn't until he'd drained the entire animal that he stopped. When he was finally satisfied he came to his senses and realized that he did. He'd drank that dog's blood! Backing away he fell by a nearby dumpster with his hand falling in a puddle. Looking at his hand in the puddleIzuku saw something, he looked different.

His once emerald green eyes now looked blood red and his mouth now had fangs. What happened to him? Izuku continued to watch as the fangs receded and his eyes changed to their natural color. What am I?

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