Hypnosis and Job Hunting

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Izuku POV

I looked at the strange man who just suddenly came in and offered to pay for the help the kitten needed. From just looking at him he'd seem like a random homeless man, but there was something about him that made him seem like something more. 

"Um. Thank you, sir," I said. This man set off some alarms in my mind. It felt like he was studying me like at any moment he could attack. It's not a feeling I like, makes me think about the way Izumi and her friends used to look at me. 

"Don't mention it, kid," I nodded and was about to leave before he asked me "Aren't you going to wait for your cat?" 

"It's not my cat," I answered. "I just found it like that." 

"You found it like that?" he questioned. I simply nodded in response before turning to head towards the door. The man grabbed my shoulder and asked "Why are you out so late at night?" 

I started to panic. This man wouldn't let me leave! "I'm just out on a night walk." 

"This late at night?" he questioned. 

"I have a lot on my mind. A night walk helps me clear my head," I answered as best as I could. 

The man finally let go of my shoulder. I was about to just walk away and forget this odd interaction before he spoke again, "Let me walk you home." 

"Sorry but I don't feel comfortable letting a strange man followed me home. I appreciate you paying for the kitten but that doesn't mean I trust you," I said trying my best to give a normal answer. I can't just say I'm a crime-fighting vampire that lives in an abandoned warehouse. 

He made a noise that sounded like a chuckle before reaching for his pocket. I tensed a bit, readying myself for if he pulled a weapon. What I didn't notice is that he noticed my body tensing. He pulled out a wallet and showed me an HPSC Pro-hero card with the name Eraserhead on it. Now I knew I was screwed. 

I swallowed the lump in my throat before saying "Oh you're a hero? Sorry for assuming but with that outfit it's kind of to be expected." 

"It's fine," he simply said. 

I finally got to leave the shop, sadly the newly recognized hero was following me. I pulled out my phone and pretended to be playing games. In reality, I was typing a message to Toga. 

Izuku: How do I hypnotize people

Izuku: TOGA

Himiko: I told you to call me Himiko 

Himiko: Also why do you need to know 

Izuku: A hero found me walking around late at night and is now escorting me home

Himiko: What's the problem with that 

Izuku: Himi I live in a WAREHOUSE

Himiko: Okay I got it

Himiko: Just make your eyes glow and look him in the eyes and give him a command 

Himiko: Also thanks for the cute nickname 😍

I ignored the emoji and turned to Eraserhead and was about to hypnotize him when he asked "So why is the vigilante Dracula helping stray kittens?" 

I felt my heart drop. "What are you talking about?" 

"Don't lie to me kid. I was watching you for a while before you found the kitten. I saw you take down a villain," I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, "You drank their blood afterward." 

He tried to say something else but in my panic I ignored him, looking him in the eye I just said: "Forget you ever met me.

He got a weird look on his face before turning and walking away. It took me a second to realize before I understood. I just hypnotized him. I didn't waste any more time and took off running back towards my house at extreme speeds. I don't know how long until the effect wears off and I don't want to risk getting captured. 

I got back to my warehouse and quickly shut the doors. There are still a few hours till sunrise but I don't want to risk it. I sent a quick thank you text to Himiko and decided to rest for a while. I can go back out the next night. It took a while before the sun rose and I walked outside. I could immediately feel the extreme tiredness but I pushed through it. I don't want to live in a warehouse forever and if I want to get a better place to live without killing or hypnotizing anyone I'm going to need to get a job. Something I can do during the day then I'll spend the night hunting. 

A/N: Tell me what kind of job you think Izuku should get. Also, I plan to reveal some more powers as time passes. 

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