Battle Trial and a Roommate

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Izuku POV

Getting ready for the battle I'm going to have with Bakugou and Izumi I couldn't stop thinking about Ochako. Why does she smell different? I know it isn't perfume, so what is it? As I was thinking about this Toshinori announced the beginning of the test. I pushed the thought about Uraraka's unusual scent for later. Now I needed to win. I and Uraraka hadn't come up with a plan until I noticed the building next to the one we were supposed to be infiltrating. 

"Hey Uraraka," I said nudging her. I pointed towards the building next to our target one. "How about we try a different path?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"We go up that building and jump across to the rooftop of this building. We can then come down and get around Bakugou entirely," I explained. 

Uraraka agreed and we made our way up the fire escape of the neighboring building. When we got to the top Uraraka looked down to the floor below and seemed to hesitate a bit. "Are we sure about this? That is a big drop." 

"Why don't you just make yourself weightless and jump across?" 

"I know I'll be fine but what about you? Do you want me to give you a-" Uraraka was cut off by me running across the building before jumping and landing on the other side. "-boost?"

I looked back and said, "No thanks, I'm good." 

Uraraka looked shocked for a few seconds before readying herself and jumping across, making herself weightless midway. She landed on the other side and we both made our way inside. We kept quiet as much as possible. If we do this right we can get the nuke while avoiding fighting at all. I used my telepathy and could sense two other humans inside the building. Bakugou was downstairs looking around for us, Izumi was with the nuke. 

I silently lead Uraraka towards the room with Izumi and the bomb in it, making it seem more like random choices. We then heard a voice, Izumi's voice. "Okay Izumi, you can do this. No big deal, it's just a mock battle." Since when was Izumi so anxious? Never mind that right now I need to find my way inside. Taking her head-on wouldn't work If I don't use my powers I'm not going to be able to do much. Not to mention that she has One For All now so whatever strength she had before is now amplified. 

I looked around for anything useful when I noticed a vent. An idea popped into my head, "Uraraka," I whispered, "keep her distracted for me." I wasted no time and entered the ventilation shaft, making my way up and over towards where Izumi was. Below me, I could hear Uraraka and Izumi fighting. With my vampiric senses, I could tell that Uraraka was just trying to defend more than attack. 

When I got close I was in a vent shaft, right above where the bomb was. I radioed to Uraraka telling her "Keep her focused on you and if you can drag her away from the bomb." She hummed in acknowledgment. I waited and when I got my chance I took it, popping out of the vent and dropping on the bomb below. 

"HERO TEAM WINS!" All Might shouted over the intercom. After that Bakugou game in and he looked like he was seething mad. I just leaned on the bomb with a cocky grin covered by my mask. He looked like he'd like nothing more than to kill me where I stood. I'm guessing principal Nezu threatened him with expulsion. I could feel some sadistic glee when I thought of that. For a moment I could feel my eyes change color to the blood-red characteristic of vampires before I quickly suppressed it. Luckily neither Izumi nor Bakugou seemed to notice. I however didn't notice the slightly confused look Uraraka was giving me. 

We got back to the main watching area and Bakugou stood as far away from me as possible. "ALRIGHT WHO IS THE MVP OF THIS MATCH!?" All Might shouted. 

Yayorozu raised her hand and said "I believe it is Yagi," "Which Yagi!" Someone in the back yelled. "Izuku Yagi," she clarified, "He created a strategy that avoided conflict and lead his team to the bomb while getting it with minimal damage to the building overall." 

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