Family, Friends, and the Beginnings of a Battle

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Izuku POV

I changed quickly and left the locker room. When I got outside I saw Aizawa sensei waiting. He looked at me and gave a nod in acknowledgment. I went to a nearby tree and sat in the shade waiting for the others to come out. When everyone was out I walked back to join the group and Aizawa explained the exercise as the same as our middle school except quirk usage was allowed now. He ended it off by saying that the last place would be expelled. 

I did all the tests, making sure to keep my strength and speed at a reasonable human level. Everyone had a test they excelled at. I instead just made sure to keep near the lower middle of the pack. I ended up in 118th place with a student named Minoru Mineta in last place. 

"Noooo!" he cried. "I didn't even get to touch Izumi's boobs!" he yelled as he made a mad dash for Izumi. 

Before he got to her I rushed up and kicked him in the face, sending him flying off course, "Buzz off pervert." 

"Izuku," I heard Izumi say behind me. 

"Not another word Izumi. This is a common decency thing I would have done for anyone. I still hate you," I explained, not even bothering to look at her. 

Aizawa captured Mineta in his capture tape and took him to the principal's office saying "Minoru Mineta you are hereby expelled from UA and under arrest for attempted sexual assault," he explained as he dragged the crying Mineta away. "All students change and return to class, there's a class schedule on my desk. I'll see you, tomorrow. Izuku head to the teachers' office, someone wants to talk to you," Aizawa said the last bit with obvious distaste. I'm glad that he didn't agree with All Might. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought. 

We all changed and returned to class, gathered our belongings, class schedule, and left. I rushed out and towards the exit, hoping that I'd miss having to meet Toshinori. Sadly no such luck. A message rang out over the intercom "Would Izuku Yagi please come to the principal's office. Izuku Yagi to the principal's office." Damn it. 

I changed my path and walked towards the principal's office. When I got there the principal opened the door before I could even touch it. "Hello. Am I a mouse, a dog, a bear? The answer is I'm the principal! Please come in Izuku." 

I entered to see not only Toshinori but Inko as well sitting at a table in Nezu's office. Nezu sat on the opposite side of them and I sat next to him. It might be rude to do so but I would rather be rude than sit near them. I could smell blood from Toshinori's wound. Luckily I had eaten enough before so I know I shouldn't have any problems controlling my thirst. 

There was a tense and awkward silence before "Izuku my bo-" I immediately cut him off. 

"Don't call me that." He looked shocked and distraught but I still continued. "You lost the right to call me that a long time ago." 

He hung his head in shame and Inko decided to pick up from where he left off saying "Izuku, please. Come home. Were sorry and we promise to be better in the future. Just please give us another chance." 

I looked at her and calmly said "No," before explaining "It took you ten years to recognize what you were doing wrong. You neglected me for ten years. Every day I came home with bruises from Izumi and Bakugou, you never noticed. You were always too busy spoiling Izumi with all the love and attention in the world to notice me. The second you found out I was quirkless you immediately abandoned me. The only thing you left me to have was a roof over my head and even that can be explained by saying you were just too lazy to kick me out." 

"Izuku we would never-" Inko cut in. I quickly cut her off. 

"I'm not finished," I said taking an envelope out of my bag I passed it over to them. "This is all the money I took from you when I left. I used some of it and worked to make the money back. If this is about your," I looked towards Toshinori "family secret, you don't need to worry. I won't tell a soul, nor will I tell anyone about your neglect. I know that information like that would destabilize the hero society if the populous learned that their number 1 hero was a neglectful parent who raised a bully. I am never going back to that godforsaken place you call home,"  I explained getting up and walking towards the door. "That place isn't my home and you aren't my family. If you try and find me through my home or job I'll file a restraining order. Don't try my patience." 

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