The Tired Homeless Man

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Izuku POV

I got back home and crawled to my bedroll. I didn't feel tired, but I could tell from the sun coming up that I was going to get tired soon. Even after the sun rose I couldn't get to sleep, too busy thinking about what the girl, Toga, said. We have this darkness inside us that can only be contained with a constant supply of blood. I had so many other questions I wanted to ask her about, but there was one problem. 

I don't have a phone. 

I threw it away from the first chance I got. It was an old hand-me-down from Izumi, but I knew that it would still be possible for them to track me with it so I dumped it in the first trash can I saw. I decided that since I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight I might as well try and get a phone. 

Going out in the sun was annoying. To anyone else, it looks like I didn't sleep the night prior, and while they're right it shouldn't affect me. Having to deal with that overwhelming tiredness made any and all movements slow and sluggish. By the time I made it to a phone store I was dead on my feet. 

I decided to get a cheap phone since all I needed it for was to get in contact with Toga. It took me a while but, with the help of a nice employee, I got everything I needed, bought the phone in straight cash and paid 20000 yen for it. When that was all done I set everything up on the phone itself and soon enough I had Toga's number on my phone. 

Izuku: Hello Toga this is Izuku.

Toga: Hi Izu-kun! What took you so long to call me

Izuku: Izu-kun?

Toga: Well yeah we're friends now

Toga: Us vamps gotta stay together

Toga: Also call me Himiko

Izuku: Ok then Himiko.

Toga: Now answer my question

Toga: What took you so long to answer

Toga: 😡

Izuku: Sorry Himiko I needed to get a new phone.

Toga: Why

Toga: You only recently turned so you're still living with your family right


Izuku: My old family was never the best to me, even before I became a vampire. So when I had the chance to escape I took it. Dumped my phone to stop them from tracking me. 

Toga: Why would they track you

Izuku: They're heroes. If it came out they abused their kid they'd probably lose their license. 


Izuku: While I'd love nothing more than to expose them for everything, they're too high ranking. 

Toga: So

Toga: ?

Izuku: If people were to figure that out it might cause disorder and mass panic. 

Toga: Why does that matter

I almost forgot for a moment that while I and Himiko were friends she was still a killer. I haven't killed yet, but there have been some close calls though. 

Izuku: I don't want to do that. You might laugh at me for this but even after everything that happened I still want to be a hero. 

Toga: I don't think it's stupid 

Izuku: You don't? 

Toga: Just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you have to give up on your dreams 

Toga: Sure the whole drinking blood thing would make it harder it's not impossible 

Izuku: Thank you Himiko. No one's ever said that to me before. 

Toga: Don't mention it 😘

After that, I and Himiko spent some more time talking over text. Turns out the darkness gives us more than just physical enhancement and manipulation. It also allows people to have other abilities. Some of our kind can teleport and some others can completely shapeshift. 

I also learned a little more about the darkness. While it will accept any blood, it has a preference for fresh human blood. If given too much old or animal blood it'll get restless and will demand more blood just to sate it. I also learned that the reason the sun affects us is because of the darkness. We're inherently nocturnal creatures so going out in the day is against our nature. 

By the time I learned all that I slowly trudged all the way back home. I told Himiko goodbye and swiftly fell asleep. 

The next night I woke back up to go on my normal nightly hunt and while running I thought back on the previous night. Meeting Toga was an odd experience. It was the first time I truly understood what it meant to be a vampire. I reminisce on the now dead man whose body I completely drained of blood. Even after spending time at home thinking about what happened in the alley I still couldn't remember what happened between me seeing his fresh blood and my biting into his throat. I lost control over my body as soon as I saw the crimson liquid dripping out of his throat. It's terrifying to think that I lost control over my body like that and disgusting to think that I enjoyed the taste. His blood tasted amazing and I hate myself for thinking that. 

From then on I make sure to keep myself well-fed. I don't want to think about what would happen if I accidentally killed someone. I continued my patrols, making sure to get as much blood every night to ensure I don't lose myself again when I met him. On a normal nighttime patrol I heard quiet meows of pain from what sounded like a cat. I already dealt with my thirst so I shouldn't have to worry about losing control of myself so I should have some time to relax. I jumped from rooftop to rooftop and landed down by where the hurt animal noises came from. I found a kitten with what looked like a broken leg. The poor thing looked like it was in pain. I remembered seeing a veterinary office on my way here, maybe I can take them there.

It took very little time to get from the alley to the veterinary office. With my above-average speed getting there was no problem for me. When I got there I asked the lady at the front office if she could do anything to help the kitten and she said she could but that I'd have to pay. Sadly I didn't have any money with me. I was about to ask the lady to keep the kitten and wait for me to return with the money when from behind me I heard "Here's the money," in a tired-sounding voice. Turning around I saw what looked like a really tired homeless man but something about him was off. He definitely looked tired but his eyes showed an acute awareness of everything around him. There was no way this man's a normal homeless man. 

A/N: For some reason, I want to write more Vampire Deku so this is what I'm going to do. I also did my best to portray Toga and Izuku through their texts. Also would you all please recommend a ship. I'm fine with just about anything. 

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