If They Were In High School

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Dream: Popular kid. Probably a football player tbh. Always needed to study last second before tests, with the help of George.

George: Shy nerdy friend of the popular kid. Had lots of girls that were friends. They found his shyness adorable. Always fell asleep in class.

Sapnap: Popular kid again. Flirty mf. Sassy towards the teachers he hates. Laughs when first years fall. Besties with Karl and Dream. And probably skips class.

Karl: Hundreds of friends that are girls. When he was a first year, the seniors thought he was absolutely sweet and adorable. Buddies with Sapnap and Quackity, trying to get them out of trouble a lot. Teachers pet, but hates it. They trust him and listen when he gets the two out of trouble.

Quackity: Absolutely the class clown. Always getting in trouble. The teachers fucking hate him. Always flirting with people, one way or another. Pulls pranks on the principal all the time. Best buddies with Karl and Sapnap.

BadBoyHalo: Alway paying attention and gets good grades. Making sure Skeppy doesn't get in trouble or anything and helps him study. Teachers love him.

Skeppy: Always getting his ass in trouble. Helps Quackity prank 24/7. If anything goes wrong, goes to Bad. Forced to study by Bad too. Forgetting to bring homework to school but brings it in the next day only getting half credit. Damn.

Wilbur: Pretty quiet. Always playing his guitar during free hour or lunch. Very sweet and pays attention. Teachers love him. Always tapping his fingers to a song or humming or writing song lyrics. Helps teachers and other students grab things on higher shelves.

Ghostbur: People are a bit afraid of him, but the senior girls love his kindness and innocence. Teachers enjoy his presence as he is rather calming instead of a scary ghost. People think him and Wilbur are twins.

Niki: Very shy. Has a small group of friends that will protect her. Besties with Jack and Wilbur. Has good grades and the teachers love her.

Tommy: Teachers either love him or hate him. Has Tubbo in every class and is pretty good at turning in assignments and studying, surprisingly. The Bench Trio sticks together in the halls and at lunch for sure.

Tubbo: Teachers found him rather confusing, yet enjoyable. Loves to talk to people. If people make fun of Ranboo's mask or something or just insult him in general, he gets overly protective.

Ranboo: Shy boy. Teachers loved him, got good grades and was dragged to each club by Tubbo on the first day of school. Helping teachers and other students reach things and helps Tubbo force Tommy to study harder for the bug exams at the end of the year.

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