Their Favorite Cuddling Position

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(I feel so single lmao)


      Dream likes to have you tightly in his arms. Your head buried into his chest, neck, shoulder (It doesn't matter where). He tends to play with your hair or draw shapes with his fingertips on your back.


      George can be a small spoon and a big spoon, depending on his mood. When he's stressed and tired or sad or angry or just ended a really long stream, he's the small spoon. He just curls up to you, wrapping his arms around you, his face hidden in either your neck, shoulders, collarbone, arm. When he's in a good mood, or bored, or just tired in general, he'll big spoon. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your head into his chest, nuzzling and hiding his face in your hair.


      Big spoon. No doubt. Nick likes to have you in his arms tightly, your head on his chest. Your arms around him as well. He can squeeze a little too hard sometimes but you don't mind. He doesn't mean to anyway. He just doesn't want to let go of you.


     Karl likes it when he's basically being cradled in your arms. Where his head is on your chest, your arms around him tightly and his arms are clinging to your waist, as if he's too scared too let go.


    Alex really likes it when he lays on top of you, arms around your waist, face hidden in your neck with your arms around him. Or vise versa, you being on top of him. He won't admit it, but he wants to be as close to you a possible.

Wilbur Soot:

    Wilbur likes to have his arms around your waist. It doesn't matter if your lying on top of him or laying next to him, he will hold you close to his chest, not wanting to let go. He softly sings you to sleep while playing with your hair or drawing shapes on your back with his fingertips.


      Though Tommy really fucking hates to admit it, he loves to be the small spoon. He likes it when his head is hidden in your shoulder, his arms around you and yours around his shoulders or waist. Kinda like hugging but lying down.


       Tubbo probably would not care if he were the big spoon or little spoon. When he big spoons, his arms are around you, your back facing him, his head on your shoulder. When he small spoons, he likes to be cuddled into your stomach or collar bone, his arms around you and loves it when you start to play with his hair.


      Ranboo is a big spoon and a small spoon. It doesn't really matter when or where, he'll just chill out, honestly. Big spooning, his arms are around you, your head in his chest. Small spooning, just hides his face in your arm, shoulder, neck, you name it. His arms will be around you, and you tend to play with his hair, which he loves.

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