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"Right so what you're saying is some guy is paying another guy to kill us for like millions?" Niall asks.

"Yes I have just been saying that for the past half an hour."

"So why are you the only person here? Like surely you'd need help or something?" Zayn then asks.

"It's unlikely that we are going to face a threat if we act fast, and me and my team did just that."

Phase 2. The one that makes me question all life choices. It's the phase between first contact, and getting that targets to a place where they have guaranteed security. In other words it's the stage that has all the questions, but also all of the bloody thirsty maniacs who want my targets dead.

I've been speaking, explaining, and answering questions for 40 minutes, and my mouth is tired of speaking. I genuinely wonder where some of the questions i'm being asked have come from. I mean Niall asked me if i knew James Bond, if that doesn't explain enough to you.

Henny sent the location of the jet, and i've been driving the band there ever since. There's been no update, which is good. Updates only come if something bad could happen.

I think we have all gotten to a stage of silence in the car, no one is speaking, and it's late so hardly anyone is on the roads.

I somehow expected the boys to sleep, but every now and then when I glanced around, their eyes were wide open focused on the empty roads around them. We were driving out of NYC, because a private jet can't be very private in such a busy place like that.

Another five minutes of silence creeped by.

"Will our families be safe? Because you said we can't contact them. How will they know we're okay?" Louis speaks from his seat at the back.

This question always softens my heart, it's good to know that people still care for their loved ones the way I did for mine. Sometimes I envy that love. It's hard doing this job though, because I can't answer that question. I don't know if either the boys, or their family will be safe. They're only safe when my team manage to efficiently find the person who put out the hit, and then take it down; and that takes a long time when it's such a big amount of money.

I was about to answer, to tell them i'll try my hardest to protect both them and their families, but them Liam starts to speak.

"What do you mean Louis? I just text my sisters to let them know i'm okay."


I told them all once we got into the car park to ditch all devices. He didn't listen to me.

My heart picks up as I realise the danger this could put us all in. I reach behind me, demanding that Liam put his phone in my hand. He does.

Then I open the window, and lob it out.

"Hey! You can't just do that. That's my phone and it has a lot of important things on it!" He raises his voice at me, clearly angered. "You can't just come into our lives and demand so much shit and then expect us just sit back and do as we're told! How do we even know that you're not one of the people that wants us dead?" His breathing is heavy, and it's very evident he has more to say.

I don't let him carry on.

"What did you tell your sisters, Liam?" I say calmly, I have to get this information, and I don't think shouting at him would do any of us a favour.

"You're not even listening! You're a psycho, i'm not telling you a thing. Let me out of this car." He demands, whilst hitting the back of my seat. What a stubborn arse, and to think I didn't actually mind these guys at the start. I'm pissed off now, not to mention the added tension.

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