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"Hello sweetheart, glad to see you're finally awake."

His voice was deep, feathered with slight sarcasm. It was clear he had a certain level of detest for me after what I pulled earlier. I'd hurt a good few of his men with my bullets, and I'd also diminished his chance of millions of pounds. For now.

I didn't reply to him, but kept a heavy eye contact, watching him as he did the same. After a second, he walked closer to me, so much so, I could feel his body heat radiating. He looked down on me, forcing me to look up. If that wasn't enough, one of his hands placed itself under my chin, forcing my whole head to angle further up. He wanted to feel superior, and i'd let him.

Henny and my trainers had taught me many things in my years at MI5. But the crucial one for me to remember was something I had been told by Henny.

"If you ever find yourself in the position where you are powerless over someone else, whether that be because you're hurt, or because you're restrained. Make them believe that you're scared of them, that you'll do anything to help yourself get away from this situation. They'll buckle, they'll see you as someone who holds no threat. Sometimes weakness is the greatest power. Use it to your advantage."

I needed to put every piece of training into action. I was about to become the best actor of my life.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 11 ⏰

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